S5 Chapter 30

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Heavy, everything felt so heavy.

That was the first thought that entered Todoroki Shoto's mind. He didn't know how to describe it any other way, he just felt heavy, like his body wasn't his own, trying to wake itself up from its hibernation like sleep.

Everything was such a blur, the boy struggling to recognize any kind of familiar sound or feeling that would tell him what was going on.

The sound of light beeping made its way into his ears before the boy forced his head to the side in order to hear the small tone better, now forcing his eyes open at the burry and dizzy surroundings around him.

Trying to speak, Todoroki managed to let out a heavy moan of pain before a figure from the left side of him seemed to jump up to the boy, terror etched in his voice for some reason. "Shoto?"

Groaning once again at the name, the boy tried to focus his eyes on the shape only to just barely make out the outline of burning fire coming off his costume, the man speaking once again a moment later. "It's alright, take it easy son. There is no need to rush."

At the word, Todoroki finally pieced together who the voice was, his lips pushing out any form of speech pattern he could, forcing himself to see the man better. "W-What.."

Although very quickly, Endeavor shushed him, pushing the boy back into the bed in authority. "None of that. You just woke up so you shouldn't be moving around. It's been three days after all.."

Three days? That's how long he was out? It didn't seem like that long. Although, that could've explained his weak muscles and heavy body. "Three days?"

Humming in response, Endeavor then sat himself down in the chair next him before nodding back. "Yes, and now that you're awake we can have Recovery Girl finish your healing. She wanted to wait until you regained consciousness anyways..."

Todoroki then forced his eyes towards the ceiling before trying to decipher what happened to have brought him here in the first place. Everything was such a mess right now, his mind wanting to go in a thousand different directions.

It was strange because a part of the boy wanted to relax and forget about whatever it was but the other half of him was suddenly anxious for some reason. It was like it was screaming at him to remember something important. But what could it be?

Voicing his concerns, the boy turned his head. "What happened?"

Although to his fear, the look that Endeavor gave him after that question was concerning in the least. He looked to be on the edge of tears, and that was something Todoroki had never seen before from his father. "Not now. You need to focus on recovering.."

Todoroki wasn't happy with that answer in the slightest though, now digging through his brain even more in order to remember what it was he was trying to hide. Whatever it was, it seemed serious. "You can't do that. If something happened then I want to know what.."

Yet that's when his eyes flicked towards the TV screen next to him as the news played in the background. The volume was muted but the boy could still read the same caption on the bottom, now taking in the war that he had fought in three days ago. ALL FOR ONE NOW IN CUSTODY, THE LEAGUE OF VILLAINS STILL MISSING

That's right, the war.

Just then, everything slammed back into him before recalling the terror he had to live through. His brother and All for One. How could he have forgotten?

Endeavor saw his son's breathing pick up just slightly before reaching a hand to turn off the news quickly, before he heard too much.

He was just quick enough, the TV going dark just before a flash of a very familiar blonde haired girl showed up on the screen. One thing at the time. "Shoto.."

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