S2 Chapter 2

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Reaching her parents house, Amari couldn't help but feel an overwhelming anxiety about this whole thing. When she called her mom about moving and everything it just didn't seem real. She was honestly freaking out.

She grasped her overnight bag tightly as she tried to remember everything she packed for the next couple days. Because it was so last minute, Amari had decided to move all her stuff later and just bring a few things from her apartment. Besides, she wasn't sure if Katsuki was going to change his mind. It was better not to hope for anything too much right now.

Amari saw the gates in the distance and froze, now feeling her anxiety skyrocket from ten to about one hundred. She had only been in that house a couple times after all, usually she was just in the hospital as a kid. The whole thing felt strange.

Letting her fear get the best of her, Amari began pacing back and forth past the house, trying to build up the courage to actually go inside. She realized probably looked like an idiot but doing this was a huge step, she couldn't mess it up.

She nodded her head slowly and began talking out loud, trying to hype herself up. "Okay, you can do this Amari. It's just a house, and their your family. Katsuki said you could stay so it will be fine, right? Yeah it will be fine..."

Just then, a voice next to her made her stop talking, now instead looking at her brothers annoyed expression. Wait, how long had he been there?! "What are you even doing? You look like a damn stalker."

Jumping back a couple feet, Amari gasped. "WHAA, Katsuki, oh hey, what are you doing here?"

Although he just looked at her plainly. "I live here, I've also been watching you act like an idiot for the last ten minutes. So, are you going to come in or are you going to stand there all day?"

Realizing that he had seen her pace back and forth, Amari's face grew in embarrassment, quickly grabbing her bag and laughing. "Oh, yeah I'm coming. Sorry."

Bakugo just rolled his eyes at her spazzy attitude and chose to ignore it, now turning around to go back into the house. He was going to wait for her to come up to the door but watching her standing outside and doing nothing for so long was making him pissed off.

He slammed open the door as Amari followed behind him, seeming really nervous as she took off her shoes in the foyer, muttering softly. "Pardon my intrusion."

At the sound, they heard their mother's voice echo back, clearly not amused. "Katsuki! Did you just slam that damn door again?!"

Bakugo groaned as their mother appeared in the doorway, ready to yell at him when she caught Amari's eyes, now changing her personality completely and smiling. "Amari, sweetie! Welcome home!"

Their mother ran up to the small girl before wrapping her arms around Amari, squeezing the life out of her while speaking. "It's been too long since you've come over! We missed you, especially Katsuki. I was so happy to hear you wanted to live here again!"

At his name, Bakugo's eyes widened, shouting back. "Stop making up things you old hag! I didn't say anything like that!"

But the woman just frowned, still not letting go of the girl. "Just ignore him. I can tell he missed you. I know I did."

Amari just smiled awkwardly as her mother finally left her alone, clapping her hands in excitement. "Oh! I wanted to ask, what do you want for dinner tonight? It's your first night home so it's your choice!"

Glancing back to Katsuki, she really didn't want to make that kind of decision. Just being here was already making her freak out. The last thing she wanted was to ruin this. "Oh uhh, it doesn't really matter. I'm sure whatever you make will be great."

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