S4 Chapter 24

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As the newly fallen rain dripped onto the floorboard of his apartment, Hawks stared at Amari as he tried to take in her outrageous request. She wanted to see Dabi, the man that forced her to murder that first year kid, the same villain that tortured her time and time again. Why in the hell would she wanna do that?

When the hero heard her crying shouts from his office last night, the bird immediately ran in her direction only to find her brother and that Shinso kid looking over her in intense fear as she slept peacefully. From what they told him, the girl was an absolute wreck, and he fully understood why.

He knew that Amari loved Todoroki, that much was painfully clear since the day he mentioned the boy before that Nomu attack in the Kamino Ward incident. The way her eyes lit up at his very name, the way she was so protective, Hawks knew that the news probably hit her the hardest.

And Hawks also knew that the league and All for One had some shady tactics but he would have pegged them to go this far, to hurt the boy just to break Bakugo. It seemed so incredibly cruel and inhumane and the bird wasn't surprised that Amari had acted the way she did last night.

In fact he expected her to still be crying, to be utterly destroyed from the news of Todoroki, unable to move in her own grief. That's what her brother told him anyways..

Yet staring at her now, Hawks didn't see any of those things. She wasn't crying, she wasn't shaking and she certainly didn't look scared. No, the girl in front of him instead had some sort of aura around her, a threatening and terrifying aura directed at Dabi himself.

Coughing once in order to clear his mind, the hero took in her state before the girl pushed herself into his apartment, the water touching the floor as she did so. "Hey chickadee, why don't you sit down for a minute? That storm must be pretty bad..."

His attempt of deflecting didn't work in the slightest though, Amari recognizing it immediately and speaking back with no emotion. "I know you know where he is. Tell me."

It seemed she had shut herself down in order to distract herself from the events unfolding around her. Hawks knew this tactic extremely well and he hated it reflected in his friends' eyes. "I don't think you're really hearing yourself kid. You want to see Dabi, why?"

At the sound of another question, the girl only turned her head before Hawks took in her eyes, void of all emotion and feeling. It was like the girl was already dead. " I want to talk. We have unfinished business."

Gulping at the vague threat, Hawks felt his wings twitch before reaching for her shoulder in an attempt to calm her down. "Listen Bakugo, I know you're probably really upset about everything but I know Dabi. I've worked with him for seven months. He won't bring Todoroki back. It's a lost cause to ask him anything and it would be too dangerous to even try."

Yet the girl only darkened her eyes before challenging silently. "We'll see."

Her words had such a weight to them and it was something the bird couldn't understand, now seeing her step closer in annoyance. "You said it yourself, you've been with him for seven months so you have to know where he spends his time."

And that was true, Hawks did know where Dabi probably was at this time of night but he was apprehensive to tell the girl. There was something about this that didn't seem right, and staring at the murder filled orbs of Amari certainly didn't help. She seemed out for blood and the bird wasn't ready to be that kind of liability.

So instead the bird shoved his hands into his pockets before laughing nervously in an attempt to erase the tension. "Ah well, I'm not really sure I do kid. Dabi is a pretty mysterious guy, you know? He could be anywhere.."

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