S4 Chapter 10

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 Stepping into Endeavor's car, the man signaled the driver before the two of them drove off to Sir Nighteye's agency. The whole time, Amari was playing with her hands, the anxiety in her chest not going away but instead increasing. She knew she couldn't mess this up, for herself and for Eri.

The hero watched his trainee tap her finger against the side of the car, the awkward atmosphere continuing as he frowned. "Would you stop that?"

Amari immediately stopped then, realizing what she was doing and muttered. "Sorry, I guess I'm just kinda nervous. You know, I talk big but recusing that little girl isn't going to be easy. I'm just worried I'm going to mess up somehow."

He thought about her words for a moment before sighing heavily, like a question bothered him. "Where is that annoying amount of confidence you usually have?"

Grimacing, Amari answered. "I don't know. I guess there is just a lot riding on this. I would do anything to save that girl, but what if it's not enough? What if we fail?"

Endeavor was silent for a moment, like he was debating what he was going to say. That is, until he opened his mouth. "Bakugo, if you don't have confidence in yourself then how do you expect that girl to have the same? If you want to be a hero then you have to push forward, no matter how little chances seem."

Nodding back, the girl realized she had a point. If she didn't have hope then Eri would also fall into despair, and that was one thing she refused to let happen. "Yeah, I hate that you're right."

Endeavor took her compliance as a surprise, knowing how hard it was for the girl to ever agree with him. Then he remembered his sons pleading and strange eyes. "I'm honestly surprised you are still with the agency given the quarrel you had with Shoto. Didn't he try to convince you to leave already?"

Amari looked down at that, her eyes squinted. "I'm not backing away from this, I refuse. Regardless of how much I love him, I don't think he's completely right about you."

At that, the hero raised an eye. "Oh, how so?"

But the girl only remained silent, knowing that if she said anything about him not being completely terrible that it would only boost his ego. No, this wasn't something she could tell him right now. "No reason, just know that you aren't getting rid of me so easily Endeavor."

She smirked then, causing the man to groan in frustration, although there seemed to be something else there as well. Was that, pride? "I was afraid of that."

Amari laughed back only to realize something important, her eyes growing wide as she fumbled with her belt buckle. "Oh crap! I forgot my hero costume back at the dorms!"

Hearing the clicking of the seatbelt, the girl then began to rise as Endeavor pushed her back down, his rough voice stopping her movements. "Stop that, you're going to cause an accident."

Although Amari only frowned. "Endeavor I can't go in there without a costume. I'll be the only one there without one and stick out like a sore thumb. We have to go back.."

But that was when the man nodded his head in understanding before reaching towards a large briefcase next to him. "I know."

Then he lifted the case out to the girl who only stared at it dumbfounded. "What is this?"

The man only frowned though, obviously over her confused look. "Just open it Bakugo."

Staring down at the leather casing, Amari gently clicked open the tabs before lifting the surface and gasping at the contents. In the case with three pieces of fabric, both black and gold in color.

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