S5 Chapter 11

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Landing on the railing of his balcony, Hawks lifted his wings out before firmly planting his feet against the tiled floor. He carried Amari in his arms who neither stirred or moved during the entire flight which concerned the bird greatly, now at a loss with what he should do next.

Hawks had never wanted children, in fact just the idea of caring for someone else was something that the man couldn't even comprehend. He couldn't even take care of himself half the time so the bird knew that caring for another would only result in disaster.

But now in his arms was a terrified and traumatized little girl who he was sent to kill, yet was unable to for some reason. It was honestly cruel to continue holding her like this, considering what he was going to be forced to do and what he had already done to her.

The hero turned his head around the space a couple times before settling for the sofa, placing the small girl onto the cushion as she leaned against the back robotically. Still no response though.

Then Hawks noticed her bloodied and bruised appearance before clearing his throat rather awkwardly. "Hey, so umm how about we get you in the shower so you can clean up?"

His tone was rough and choppy, very un-Hawks like in every way, shape and form. The president of the commission had taught him many things, but dealing with children in a non "hero rescuing" sense wasn't one of them.

Amari didn't move though, her eyes still sullenly staring forward in a mindless blur. Maybe she didn't hear him? The girl did look pretty out of it. "Kid, can you hear me?"

Waving a hand in front of her face in hopes of a reaction, Bakugo only continued to stare, worrying the hero immensely. Her shock was really intense. Maybe he should've taken her to the hospital after all.

Hawks then let his arm drop before trying to remember his hero training and block out his personal feelings for a moment. What was it that the president taught him about shock again?

Then looking towards his kitchen, the bird immediately stood up before moving towards the sink. Maybe some water will help her with her voice, recalling her scratchy and rough tone from before. "Let me get you some water.."

Although as soon as his gaze left her sight, Hawks heard Amari's voice, her monotone expression carrying over to him like a ton of bricks. It was so surprising that he almost dropped the glass he was holding. "It was a lie..."

Quickly placing the cup down, the hero cleared his throat once more, trying to sound carefree and like his Hawks counterpart but struggling after every word instead. "Hmm, what did you say there?"

Although his eyes widened when he heard her reply, cold and plain. "It was really a lie.."

Shaking his head, Hawks placed his hand on the counter before playing dumb, hoping she hadn't just asked that question. "Sorry, I don't think I understand."

She seemed to be silent for a moment before continuing, her broken tone making the hero's chest twist and turn all at once. "You only approached me because of Dabi..."

Hawks remained silent at that, knowing he should've lied, should've said something to distract her from his true mission, but after everything that happened, he just couldn't do that. "You see kid, things are very complicated and I..."

Although he didn't have time to speak as Amari cut him off, already knowing he was going to try to work his way around the question. Except this time, she wouldn't let him. "You only wanted to get close to me to get to him.."

Quickly moving over to the sofa, Hawks' wings fluttered out in anxiety, knowing that she had completely figured him out and tried to explain himself. He couldn't help it, her cracked tone, her defeated monotone expression, it was tearing him apart. "Now hold on, I think you're misunderstanding something here..."

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