Chapter 3

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 Amari rounded the corner of the hallways until she found a very tall door with the numbers 1-A on the side of the wall. It took awhile but she had finally found it. Man, this school was huge.

Pushing the door open she was met with about fifteen students, all waiting for class to start.

When she walked in, they all seemed to notice her presence but the only thing she could focus on was her brothers angry expression in the corner. "Oh you have got to me shitting me. No way. Go find another class brat!"

At his words the students gapped their mouths opened and connected the dots. "Hey, you are Bakugo-chan right? The second highest recommend?"

Amari smiled and awkwardly raised her hand up to greet them, ignoring her brothers words. "Uhh yeah that's me. Although you can just call me Amari. It would be way easier."

The class all shook their heads in agreement and she bowed once. "I can't wait to get to know all of you."

Everyone seemed stunned by this and looked at other to Bakugo, then back to her. "Hey Bakugo. Are you sure she's related to you? You two seem like polar opposites."

It was true. Amari and Bakugo were probably as different as they could be. Katuski was tall, muscular and had a big mouth while Amari was way shorter, reaching only to his lower chest with a skinny build and a kinda cute-sy attitude. It certainly was strange. The only thing that was the same was their matching hair and eyes.

Bakugo just scoffed at his classmates, obviously not in the mood. "Shut up."

Amari was a bit more kind though, nervously laughing. "It does seem that way, doesn't it? We didn't really grow up with each other. Is it that obvious?"

Everyone just nodded their heads without hesitation and Amari's eyes dropped a little.

Suddenly the door opened to her left and everyone turned to see who it was. The voice sounded scared and uncertain. "Umm hello?"

Focusing her eyes, Amari lightened up when she realized who is was. "Ah Midoriya! You made it."

Deku recognized her right away and went straight into a bow, clearly nervous. "AHH yes..hello Bakugo-chan...I mean..A-A-Amari-chan! It's good to see you too!"

She couldn't help but laugh at this. "If it's too hard, you don't have to call me by my first name. I don't want you to pull something."

But Deku put his hand out to stop her. "No it's okay! I'll get better, I promise! Besides, you seem really uncomfortable when I called you by your last name and I wanna be good friends so..."

Her eyes couldn't help but widened at this. The fact that he figured out that she was uncomfortable with her last name after just one encounter was surprising. This boy was someone to look out for. Definitely not to be underestimated.

Letting her lips curve into a small smile, Amari replied. "Well thank you, I appreciate it Midoriya."

Deku couldn't help but blush at this and Bakugo was getting really pissed off at the encounter. She really needed to stop being so nice to Deku. "Oi! You two are getting on my nerves already! Just find a damn seat and shut up!"

The two froze at his statement and Amari answered back apoligicelty. "As much as he's annoying, he's right. I better go find my seat. See you around?"

Deku nodded his head maybe a little too fast, and Amari just put a hand up to say goodbye. The teacher was gonna be here at any minute, she needed to do this quickly.

Finding a small nametag in the back row, Amari walked up to it and placed her bag on the desk. Then, she sat down at couldn't help but think about her speech back in the auditorium. She hoped it was good enough.

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