S4 Chapter 18

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When Bakugo got the call about his sister, he felt his heart drop in his chest, now rushing to put on whatever jacket nearest to him before rushing to the hospital. His family hadn't told him much, just to get over there which worried the boy to no yet. All that he managed to get out of them though was that Endeavor told them she was safe.

Yet Katsuki wouldn't believe that in the slightest until he saw her unharmed, now racing up the steps into the very place that he hated most, the hospital, aka the place where Amari spent most of her childhood in Japan. He hated this place more than anything, but for his sister, he would endure.

Swinging the door open he found his parents seated in the corner of the waiting room, hands folded on their laps as Bakugo observed the atmosphere. "Where the hell is she?!"

At his voice, his mother gazed at him before sighing roughly, about to scold him for yelling in the hospital but then decided against it. He was just worried like the rest of them after all. "Katsuki, calm down. She hasn't woken up yet."

Balling his fists at his sides, Bakugo shook his head, ready to yell once more when he caught the very familiar sight of Deku in the corner of the room as well, except he appeared to be pacing. Why in the hell was he there?

When the green haired boy caught sight of Kacchan though, his eyes fell, knowing the conversation they were about to have, and how much devastation it would bring. "Kacchan.."

Bakugo stared at his old childhood friend with disdain when he suddenly heard his parents rising from their seats, knowing fully well that they were in the way.. "We'll leave you alone. Izuku said he had to speak to you about something. I swear, don't you dare be rude Katsuki.."

Then before the boy could speak out against the idea, the two boys were left alone, Deku hands now shoving into his pockets in anxiety. He wasn't sure if he could do this, but for Mari-chan he would try to talk to her brother. She deserved that much.

Katsuki spoke first though, throwing his hands out in anger, explosions at the ready. "You damn Deku, what the hell happened?! You have five seconds to tell me right now or I swear you won't live to see another day!"

Yet Deku didn't seem afraid from his outburst though, having heard them his entire life. No, he couldn't focus on that right now. "Kacchan I have to tell you about something before you see Mari-chan. It's important."

The boy raised an eye at that, not liking the atmosphere around them. "Yeah, well spit it out already!"

Silence appeared then before Deku took in a large breath of encouragement. "When I say this, I need you to be calm, okay?I know that's really hard for you but please just try, for Mari-chan."

Calm wasn't a term that Katsuki knew very well though, in fact he found it hard just talking to this damn nerd without blowing up. Then his throat rang in irritation from the green haired boy's nickname for Amari. Since when had he called her that? "Deku, I swear you better spit it out if it's about my damn sister..!"

The silence appeared again as it looked like the boy was trying to work up the courage to speak to Bakugo with as much confidence as possible. "Kacchan, in order to get Eri back, Mari-chan gave herself to the villains so we could find the two of them as fast as possible."

Katsuki's eyes widened then, already a feeling of anxiety ringing in the back of his throat. The reminder to stay calm echoed in the back of his head but he shoved it down, now gritting his teeth so Deku could continue. He wanted to know everything that happened, even if it was terrible.

That idiot, why in the hell would she suggest something like that?! Why would she risk herself and willingly put herself into danger just for a small child she knew nothing about? It seemed her recklessness knew no bounds.

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