S5 Chapter 2

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Walking down the dingy and dirty basement stairs, Dabi caught the sight of All for One sitting at a nearby desk, dozens of files and pictures of Bakugo Amari thrown on top of the tables in a singular line. The placement looked exact, like the man had very carefully placed each one in a particular order.

Honestly the purple haired villain thought it was kinda creepy, wondering just how hung up he was on the girl. He must have really been stuck on her in order to act that obsessive.

Yet that's when he heard a low chuckle admit from his lips, the man's eyes gazing towards the old TV that played her and Endeavor's Nomu battle from Kyushu in the background. He looked to be studying it, enjoying it. "Dabi, is it? You're the one that sent out that Nomu, correct?"

Hearing his voice, the man stopped, now turning with a lazy smirk. He knew how terrified Amari was of this man, but he didn't share the same emotions towards him unfortunately. "Yeah, what about it?"

Pointing his fingers towards the screen, All for One hummed. "Seeing my masterpiece in action was truly wonderful, even if she's being rebellious right now. All that will be over soon though."

Just then, he opened the drawer next to him before lifting up a vial of red colored blood, the liquid swirling around in his hands. "No matter, she can do as she likes for now. Bakugo was only the beginning after all. We have work to do before then, isn't that right Shigaraki?"

Kicking his legs back from the wall, Shigaraki then smirked through withered lips, his voice coming out cruel and excited for the future destruction that would soon occur. "What's the plan, Master?"


The halls were busting with various students, a mummer of excitement in the air at the idea of a new semester. The newly appointed first year students were all hungry for information, checking the roaster in front of them to see what classes they would be assigned to. Everyone knew that this was their chance, a chance to make an impression on the hero society.

A couple of kids moved down the hall when one of the boys felt themselves lose balance, now tripping over their own feet as they tumbled to the floor. Ignoring the chuckles from the people around him, the boy twisted his brow in confusion as a voice rang past him. "Move it extra, you're in my way."

Well, that wasn't very friendly, now wondering who the hell that guy was. He seemed kind of scary, that was for sure. That's when he's friends sighed behind him. "Bakugo Katsuki really is a piece of work. I'd be careful not to piss him off Kazumi. For a second year, he's really scary."

The newly appointed first year, Kazumi, only shook his head though. He had heard rumors of Bakugo Katsuki, the man with an explosive and terrible attitude. It seemed like the universe hated him, and now he lost his course schedule because of it also.

Sighing to himself, the boy suddenly felt a tap on his shoulder, only for a small blonde haired girl to smile back. "I'm sorry about that. Are you okay?"

Kazumi blinked in surprise, now seeing her staring back at him. Oh no, this was bad. He was never great with girls, never mind someone as cute as her. "Uhh yeah, I'm okay. I guess I wasn't looking where I was going."

He watched her shake her head in exasperation before extending her small hand out to him in response. "Here let me help you. I don't think I've seen you around before. Are you a first year?"

Touching his palm against hers, Kazumi felt the warmth in the center of her hand before she hoisted him up, careful not to knock her down because of her size. Once he righted himself, the boy could really see the height difference, her only reaching to his shoulders. "Uhh yeah, I was just trying to find my class, but these halls are really long."

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