S4 Chapter 14

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The air was incredibly thin around Sir Nighteye's agency, everyone now stealing glances at each other every couple seconds to see if what had happened was actually real. How did everything go wrong so fast? The plan, Ember and Eri, they were all gone, and no one knew how to process it.

Deku stared at the microphone with intense fear and anxiety. It had happened again, he had let Mari-chan slip right through his fingers once more. How could he have been so stupid and so useless at the same time? It was like a repeat of the training incident again. "Mari-chan.."

Then he remembered the words she said to him before all of this burned up in flames. She was always so kind to him, so understanding unlike her brother. She didn't deserve this, he just wanted her to be safe, and look what happened. He wondered if everyone else felt the same?

Although he soon got his answer as Deku felt an increase of heat all of a sudden, now turning to Todoroki before gasping. That's when the boy realized, Todoroki was beside him the entire time. Oh no..

Balling his hands into fists, Todoroki's voice came out low and cruel, his eyes lowered just slightly as the boy tried to fight his tears. No, this couldn't be happening. She was okay, she just had to be.."You.."

Endeavor noticed the intent from his son right away, now putting his hands out in slight defense to make him quell his anger. "Now Shoto, let's not get carried away. Calm down and.."

Yet that seemed to be the last straw from the boy, now racing up and grabbing his father's shirt roughly, a look of murder etched in his eyes. "What did you do?! You..you lowly scumbag! Don't you dare tell me to calm down..!"

He was furious, more than he had ever been in his entire life. Todoroki felt his left side boil with anger and he wanted nothing more to make his father pay for what he had just done.

The girl he loved was gone, and it was this man's fault.

Gritting his teeth, the boy continued roughly "I told her this was a terrible idea, I told her that you would leave her for dead somewhere but she didn't listen, and now look what happened! You better hope that she's alright cause if not, I swear I will make you sorry for ever hurting her..."

Endeavor watched his son's pained expression and couldn't help but notice a similarities to him because of it. Right now, right now he looked like Toya on the day before he died. "I understand you are upset, but acting like a child will not save her. Control your emotions first before you try to play hero."

That set the boy off. It seemed like he didn't even care about Amari, that she was just some sort of replaceable piece on his own twisted board. "Play hero? You've been "playing hero" your entire life. I'll control my emotions when you control your disgusting attitude. She was your trainee, how could you not even care?! How about you stop acting all high and mighty for once and actually atone for your sins, you second rate All Might!"

The man's eyes widened before stepping closer, a hint of anger in his own eyes. "What did you just say to me?"

Todoroki knew he had hit him where it hurt before the boy didn't even care. He needed his father to feel even the smallest shiver of pain Amari was feeling right now. "If you are unhappy with my words then how about you discipline me just like you used to do to me as a child? I'm sure the heroes and the press would love to see how you really treat your family."

The heroes began to whisper around them quietly, wondering what the boy meant when Endeavor cut them off immediately, now speaking back plainly. "Shoto stop this. Bakugo asked to be put on this case, it was her idea in the first place to go undercover for Eri. You heard the conversation, I ordered her to return to the agency but she didn't listen. It's her fault that..."

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