Important Update (Plz Read)

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(Contains Important Info For The Rest of the Story)

Hello! I know this isn't a new chapter and you're probably disappointed but I really hope you will still read this as it has important information about the rest of "His Reasons."

Reason for No Update Yet:

I promise there will be a new chapter in a couple days, as I have already started it but with my birthday tomorrow (July 13th) I've been fairly busy with real life things at the moment. The update will be soon though, I promise!

"His Reasons" is Ending?!

As I said at the end of the last chapter, the next arc will in fact be the final part to this story. As much as it breaks my heart to end "His Reasons", no story can go on forever and I'd rather it end strong than struggle for content and have no one care anymore. Also, if you look at the enerity that I've already finished, there are over 900 pages and 70 chapters of the series so it makes sense to end it soon. (honestly I'm even amazed that I wrote that much oof.)

End of Season 4

Because of that, the next couple chapters will be the end of S4. I know there is an entire arc still left in the anime but in order to map that out, it would take an insane amount of chapters, so I am only going to cover parts that fit with the story. I'm sorry if you are disappointed at that but things such as the school festival and Endeavor/Hawks will stay. (Including my own twist to the events of course.)

Season 5 and the Finale

After that there will be Season 5, aka the last season of the story. This will be a little different as well as unfortunately, I am not a manga reader at the moment which means that the only canon content I know is based on the anime. I will read the manga soon but it will take some time and I want to keep up with frequent updates, therefore I planned out the rest of the story without it. I hope that is alright. Trust me, this last arc will be worth it!

New Content

Because of that, the upcoming "Season 5" will almost entirely be new content and a new story arch that will be designed by me to fit the story. If you are reading this at a later date (when S5 does become animated) just know that it will not contain canon content, only something by my own design.

"His Reasons" Merch Coming Soon!

By popular demand I have been working on the idea of "His Reasons" merch to celebrate the final arc of the story, including a fanfic reading on youtube (among other things) so look out for that!

Just, Thank you

Lastly, I just want to thank each and every one of you for reading my story thus far. As I said in Ch1, this was just a small idea I had while watching the show and because of your support I was able to grow it into something I'm really proud of. Every comment, message, and fanart I receive about the series makes me so happy, especially when I see that people love the story as much as I do. You truly give me the motivation to create, so thank you. I don't think I can ever say that enough.

If you read this entire thing, thank you. I know it's not as exciting as a chapter update but if you do read this, then I am very grateful for it.

Here's to Season 5 and the finale of "His Reasons" <3 

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