S4 Chapter 6

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 Walking into the teachers lounge, Amari narrowed her eyes before seeing a small sofa in the corner with All Might seated in one of the chairs on the right. On further inspection he seemed to have a solemn expression on his face with his hands touching the middle part of his forehead in anxiety. Was there something going on that she didn't know about?

She felt bad about interrupting his concentration and decided to stand still but after a few moments, the hero realized she was there and all the worry seemed to melt from his face. Either that, or he was covering it up well. "Ah Young Bakugo, there you are. Sorry to call you here so suddenly. I'll try to not make it a habit."

Shaking her head, the girl didn't seem bothered, although she couldn't help but notice the heavy presence around her. "No it's okay, but if I may ask, why did you call me in here? Is everything okay?"

All Might stared at her for a couple seconds, like he was searching for something before smiling back. "Oh yes, everything's quite alright. I suppose I just wanted to see how your hero training with Endeavor has been going. I know he can be very brash."

This made no sense to the girl. Not once had the hero been that concerned about her, well expect when she was made to be a criminal. Something wasn't right. "Oh, uhh it's been good. Endeavor is a pain in the ass most of the time but his teachings aren't bad. By the way, thanks for giving me the chance to stay at U.A. back when everything happened. You could've very easily handed me off to the authorities but you didn't. Sorry I was too selfish to thank you back then. You even helped cover for me.."

Nodding his head, as if to himself, All Might stopped for a moment before letting his eyes fall, a serious atmosphere in the air now. "It's not a problem. It is slightly my fault as well for not noticing your struggle. As a teacher and a hero, I should've been there for you more, and for that, I'm sorry."

Amari thought about his sentence before disagreeing wholeheartedly. "It's not your fault All Might so don't beat yourself up about it. All for One is the one who messed with my mind, it's his fault."

At the name, the hero felt a chill in the air. "You know Young Bakugo, a couple days ago I met with All for One in prison, and he told me something."

The air in her lung seemed to stop as the girl absently mindedly grabbed the sofa behind her in anxiety. Whatever that man said couldn't have been good. "W-What did he say?"

A small silence appeared then before All Might replied, low and uncertain. "The time that you were with him in America, do you remember it?"

Amari's eyes widened at this, knowing that the villain talked about her memory gaps. Crap, she didn't want anyone to know that embarrassing detail. So much so, that she tried to laugh it off "Oh, well actually not really. I don't remember most of my time from America. It's like small flashes but that's about it."

At that, All Might let out a huge breath of relief before placing a hand on her shoulder. "That's good. Young Bakugo, don't concern yourself with that. Just focus on your hero training."

Why did his words sound like he was trying to keep her from her memories? She knew they weren't pretty but something about this wasn't right. He knew something. "All Might, do you know what happened to me?"

At that, the man's eyes widened as well before shaking his head. "Of course not. I suppose I was just curious, that's all. I wanted to confirm his words for myself. He seems to think that you will go back to your villain ways but I know for a fact that All for One has been mistaken. For, I see nothing but a hero in you Young Bakugo."

His pride made Amari slightly flustered, stepping back in embarrassment. "That really means a lot coming from you. You know, Katsuki and I really looked up to you as kids so hearing you say that, it makes me even more determined."

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