Chpater Three:

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Peter smiles and looks at me.

"Welcome to Neverland, John," Peter says. Holly.

"This place is amazing," I say in awe. He laughs and nods in agreement with his bright blue eyes glittering.

"Come on, let's get into the woods so the Lost Boys can meet you," he says and tugs me into the woods. This place is lovely. It's beautiful and I want to just go exploring and get lost in the woods here.

Peter stops abruptly and stands perfectly still. A twig snaps behind him and he turns around slowly.

"Pan!" A bunch of voices shout excitedly. Suddenly, he's ripped from me and is rolling through the dirt with a bunch of boys. They all laugh and when they look up they smile at me.

"Who's that?" The bright red haired one asks and smiles at me.

"I'm John," I say.

"Hiya John! I'm Michael!" The red haired boy says.

"Hey," I say with a smile.

"You're sure that's a guy?" The curly haired boy with green eyes asks Peter almost silently.

"I'm pretty sure, why?" Peter asks quietly, but I can still hear him.

"That's the prettiest guy I've ever seen," the brunette says quietly. Both of them look up and eye me. Thank the heavens I have baggy clothes.

"I'm Calum," the dark haired one says with a giddy smile.

"I'm Ashton!" The other blonde shouts. I look at the brunette who had been talking to Peter. He's still eyeing me cautiously.

"I'm Harry," he says with a small smile.

"So is this everyone?" I ask curiously.

"Nope! There's also Niall, Liam, Louis, and Zayn!" Michael shouts.

"There's nine of you?" I ask.

"Well ten now," Ashton points out. I smile.

"Boys, go ahead and get to the tree. I need to speak with John," Peter says. I look up at him and the boys nod. They take off into the woods laughing and shouting.

I look at Peter and he looks back. I gulp and he crosses his arms over his chest.

"Did you lie to me?" He asks. My eyes flick to the ground, ashamed.

"Yes," I say quietly. He walks over and pulls off my cap. My brown hair falls in cascades around my face and on my shoulders. He puts his fingers under my chin and makes me look at him.

"Why?" He asks.

"I thought you were going to give me a job. I've been so lonely. I don't have a family and nobody cared about me. I needed a change and you took me away from my problem," I say to him.

"Hey, relax. What's your real name?"

"Holly, Holly Marie Daughtry," I say.

"Very ladylike," Peter laughs. I roll my eyes and giggle.

"I'm sorry I lied to you. Are you going to take me back?" I ask seriously.

"No, I'm not going to take you back. You'll be a Lost Boy with the rest of us. You will have to bathe at a different time though," Peter points out. I nod and he smiles.

"Let's go before they assume something is wrong," Peter says.

"What about Harry?" I ask with a frown.

"I will talk to him," he says.

"Okay," I say softly.

"Here," he says handing me my cap. I pull my hair up and into it so I look different. He looks back at me before smiling and opening a hatch in a tree.

"After you," he says smiling. I smile and jump into the tree. I laugh the entire way down and I land on a plushy bunch of leaves. I jump up and laugh.

"That was great," I say with a smile. Peter lands down with a thump across the room. He gets up and rubs at his butt.

"Ow," he groans and kicks at a pebble.

"Cap," he says quietly. I look down and my hair is visible. I gasp and quickly put my cap on and tuck my hair up in it before all of the boys run into the room.

"See here he is!" Michael shouts. Four new boys smile and pounce on me knocking me back onto the pile of leaves. I look at them, bewildered.

"Hi," I say laughing.

"Hey John!" They shout.

"Alright, attention!" Peter shouts. The three guys hop off of me and stand straight up. I make sure my cap is on before getting up.

"Roll call!" Peter shouts. The guys shout happily and each one does something when it gets to them.

"Liam!" One shouts and does a hand stand.

"Niall!" Another one shouts while running around.

"Zayn!" One says smiling.

"Louis," the last one whispers. Everyone turns to me.

"John," I say before doing a front flip. I laugh and look at the guys. They clap and laugh with me.

Harry and Peter talk quietly between themselves while I get to know the other Lost Boys.

"No way! You've never seen a mermaid?!" Niall explodes.

"Nope, never," I say.

"Mermaids are vindictive, jealous bitches," Harry says rolling his eyes.

"What makes you say that?" Michael asks with a pout.

"They're jealous of the girls that Peter brings here sometimes," Harry says with a shrug.

"Jealous of the girls? That's insane," I say with a laugh.

"They want to walk on land and they can't, while girls can. You'd be a little bitchy too," Harry chuckles. I shrug and Peter walks into the room.

"Lights out boys," Peter says. Everyone groans, including me.

"Come on now, pile up. John come see me," he says. Everyone trudges to a big pile of leaves and lays down on it. Everyone, except me. I get up from the root I'm perched on and follow Peter into another part of the mass of tree.

"Follow me," he says and opens the hatch. I follow him closely.

"Here, you can stay here. I'll be here to get you in the morning," Peter says and points up the tree. I look in awe at the tree house.

"Thank you, Peter," I say quietly and kiss his cheek before climbing up the tree and into my new home.

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