Chapter Eighteen:

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I smile as the wind rushes past me and mist sprays my face. I sigh and close my eyes. Arms find themselves around my waist and I open my eyes. I turn and look at Hook and he smiles at me.

"Hello love," he says with a sly smirk. I smile and watch as he leans his lips down and presses them to mine. I kiss back and enthrall myself in the moment where my heart flutters. I don't want the moment to stop and yet I do.

"Release her!" Someone shouts before everything fades to black.

"Holly! Please listen! Hear my voice! This isn't you!" Someone shouts from the darkness. My breathing is heavy and I can hear the despiration in his voice.

"Please Holly, you can't leave me like this!" The voice says again.

"We don't have time for this man! Come on!" Another voice says. No, wait! Please don't leave me here alone!

"We can't just leave her, Harry!" The voice shouts back.

"Please," I groan.

"There! She spoke, that's good enough for me," the voice says before I feel arms scoop me up and hold me close.

"Hang on Holly, we're here for you," the voice says.

"I love you," it says from far away.

I shoot up clutching my chest and gasping for breath. My head is racing with everything that I just said and did in my dream.

"Land ho!" A voice shouts from the deck. I smile and quickly get out of my hammock. Yes! That means we're making new discoveries! I quickly dress in my brown dress and tuck my sword into my sheeth before slipping on my boots and hat. I sprint up the steps and sigh when the smell of salt water smacks me in the face.

"Good morning Quatermaster Daughtry!" Someone shouts. I smirk as all of the men stand up straight and stop moving.

"Good morning crew!" I shout back and everyone continues on with their work.

"Is the Captain awake yet?" I ask Franco.

"You know 'ow 'e is ma'am," Franco says with a shrug.

"The wee bastard," I reply with a smirk before striding over to the Captain's door.

"Captain Hook! It's time to get up now," I shout at the door.

"You know 'e won't com' out that way!" Franco shouts.

"Gah, I 'ate this job sometimes," I grumble. Franco and the others laugh before I open the cabin door and enter the Captain's room.

"Hook, darlin' it's time to get up now," I say and walk over to him.

"Hmm?" He hums rolling over. He opens his eyes a bit and he smiles when he sees me. I already know what's coming. He reaches out and grabs my wrist before I can protest and pulls me into his bed.

"Hook," I scold with a roll of my eyes.

"Yes?" He asks with an amused smile.

"I don't want the crew to think lesser of me. They already think I'm an annoying little girl," I say with another roll of my eyes.

"But I don't," he hums as he runs his hand down my spine. I bite my lower lip to keep out the thoughts I am having.

"How did you sleep, love?"

"I had a nightmare," I admit.

"Hmm, interesting. Want to tell me about it?"

"I'm sure it was nothing."

"Are you positive?"

"Ye', I don't need any help doll. Now come on, love. Up and at 'em. Harris spotted land and I want to go exploring," I say standing up and looking at him with a smirk.

"Yes ma'am," Hook says before saluting.

"Thanks, love," I say and bend down before kissing his cheek.

I walk onto the deck and everyone looks at me. A few men smirk.

"What's that look?" I ask curiously.

"I don't wan' the crew to thin' lesse' of me," Aarons says with a smirk.

"Ah ya' idiots! Prepare to make port! We shall explore this new island!" I shout a command.

"Hmm, I love the sound of my girl in the morning," Hook growls in my ear. I get a shiver down my spine and goosebumps rise up on my arms.

"I don't know what you're talking about," I mutter before walking up and onto the upper deck.

"I'm sure you don't," Hook shouts after me.

"Bite me!" I shout back.

"He gladly would!" Johnson shouts. I roll my eyes and lean against the railing that looks over the deck.

"That is the most amazing sight," someone says. I cross my legs and watch as the island gradually grows bigger.

I watch the island. We've been on the ocean for at least two months. There's no possible way!

"Is that?!" I explode.

"It is," Hook confirms.

"That's not possible," I say angrily.

"It is in Neverland," he says. That's the island where HE lives. The one who betrayed me. If he thinks he's going to get anything from me.

"Relax, love. You've got me now, remember?" Hook says and wraps his arms around me. I smile and lean into him.

"Of course. How could I forget?"

"What if he tries something?" I ask with a frown.

"He won't."

"I still want to explore some."

"Of course my little adventurer." I roll my eyes and he smirks.

"I couldn't resist," he admits. I punch his arm playfully.

~ *A Few Hours Later* ~

Hook looks at me again.

"Are you sure you want to go alone?" Hook asks carefully.

"Stop being so overprotective. I've been on plenty of adventures and come out fine. I fought you for goodness sake. Relax doll," I say with a smile.

"This is as fa' as I'll go," Johnson says.

"Thank you Johnson. I am very capable of rowing myself," I reply and he nods before walking away. I drop my bag into the smaller boat. I turn to see Hook standing close to me.

"Will you relax?" I ask. He sighs and nods. I lean up on my toes and press a kiss to his lips.

"Do you trust me?" I ask him. He seems shocked by my question.

"Yes of course," he says.


"I swear that I trust you."

"Good, then don't send that group to follow me," I say.

"What group?" He asks quickly.

"Hun, I'm not that stupid," I say.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"How many of you did he ask to follow me on the island?!" I shout to the crew. A few men shift nervously and that tells me everything.

"See?!" I shout. He looks at me and smiles slightly.

"Don't follow me, okay?" I say with a stern look.

"Alright, love. I won't," he says with a salute. I climb into the boat and they lower me down.

"I will be back later, okay?" I say. He nods and I start to row to shore.

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