Chapter Twenty:

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They carry me until they get to a big tree.

"I will go get Tink. Wait here," Pan says. I look at all of the boys and they sit me down on a low branch. I watch them as they pick on each other.

"I'm sorry," a brown haired boy says walking up to me. I look at him carefully. I think his name starts with a C.

"Calum?" I mumble into the gag. His eyes light up and he nods.

"Yeah, do you remember me?" He asks. I shrug and look at everyone. They're all staring at me now.

"Cal," the curly haired demon says. Calum turns and walks over with his head down. I glare at the brunette and he shrugs.

"You don't scare me Miss. Daughtry," he says with another shrug.

"Don't torment her, Harry," Michael says to him. I smirk and Harry shrugs.

"There she is Tink," Pan says as he emerges from the tree.

A little ball of light flies over to me and admires me. My hair has gotten longer and become naturally curly. She smiles and nods. She flies away from me and flies around the boys quickly. They start to float and they start doing flips in the air.

"Grab her. Come on," Pan demands and they all pick me up. I scream as I start to get further away from the ground.

"She's gotten lighter," one of them comments. I screw my eyes shut and gasp as my stomach flips.

"Are you okay?" Someone asks. I shake my head and anxiously wait for them to put me down. After my feet touch the ground I sigh and open my eyes. I scream when I see the skull shaped rock that sits in the fog. I struggle against everyone and scream again.

My gag falls from my lips and I stare at Pan. His eyes show sympathy and compassion.

"Please, don't do this to me Pan," I beg. He walks over to me and touches my cheek.

"Please," I plea and he kisses me softly. My eyes flutter against my will and I kiss back some, but not completely.

"Don't you see?" He asks me. I open my eyes and stare at him shocked.

"You kissed me back," he says. I gulp and I look away from him and everyone else. I know what they're going to do to me.

"Please," I whisper. They hold me tightly in their grips.

"You can't do this to me," I whisper again.

"We have to Holly. I'm sorry," Pan says to me.

"Please!" I cry.

"I don't want to die!" I cry again.

"You won't die," the curly-haired demon shrugs. I scream as Pan picks me up and carries me to the skull.

"Please Pan! Don't do this to me," I plea as he sets me down inside the skull. I stare up at him and he frowns.

"I'm sorry," he says before soaring out of the skull. I look around frantically. This, this can't be happening!

"Please," I croak.

Pain shoots through my entire body and I scream louder than I thought possible. My back arches in pain and tears stream down my face. I scream again as it feels like my blood is sizzling in my veins. I grit my teeth as I scream and clench my hands tightly in balls.

"Are you alright?" He asks me.

"No. I hurt and I can't breathe," I groan as I take another weezy breath.

"Just hang on, okay? You're going to get better," he says with panic laced in his voice. I look at him for a split second before my eyes flutter shut.

Lost Boy//5SOSNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ