Chapter Twenty-Seven:

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We touched down on the beaches of Neverland feeling exhausted. 

"I don't want to fly anymore," I groan. Tink nods in agreement. 

"Holly!" Michael shouts and runs up to me. 

"Michael," I say tiredly. 

"Peter was so worried about you. He said that Harry took you to Hook and they were planning on taking you back to the mainland and then Harry came back and took Tinkerbell. We were all so worried," Michael says in one breath. 

"Please, Michael, just take me back to the tree," I beg. He nods and Tink dusts him. He picks me up and flies me back to the tree. I collapse when I get inside. 

"Holly!" Peter shouts and runs up to me. I hold out my hand and Tink falls out of it. 

"Hi there, Peter Pan," I say sleepily. He picks me up and carries me into his room of the tree. He sets me down on the bed and I instantly fall asleep.


I wake up to the sound of birds chirping. I rub the sleep out of my eyes and sit up. I walk over to my chest and pull out the dress I had been wearing the day before. Peter must have changed me into my shirt and trousers. I change into the dress and look around. I walk out of this section of the tree. Where is everyone?

"Peter? Lost Boys?" I call out. No reply. I hear hooping and hollering outside and climb out of one of the exits. 

"Holly!" Someone shouts. All of the Lost Boys quickly line up to block my viewing of something. 

"What's going on here?" I ask suspiciously. 

"Nothing!" They all shout at once. 

"Holly," Peter says landing behind me. I turn and look at him.

"Don't you look lovely."

"What are all of you planning all of a sudden?" I ask curiously. 

"Look Holly, we're glad you're back, but if you could stay in the tree for the day and clean up today that would be lovely," Peter says. I raise my eyebrows. 

"You've got to be kidding me," I say shocked. Everyone shakes their heads. I groan and jump into the shoot down.

"Stupid boys," I mutter under my breath as I clean. 


"Holly!" Peter shouts into the tree. 

"What?!" I shout back. I hear him slide down and look around for me. I'm curled up in my favorite spot with my needle and thread. Tinkerbell rolls her eyes and I giggle. Tinkerbell has been teaching me to sew up holes and create new outfits.

"We're in here, Peter," I say. He walks into my favorite spot and smiles at Tinkerbell and me. 

"Are you coming?" He asks. 

"Where? You boys told me to stay in the tree today," I say. 

"I know. Now come on," he says and holds out his hand. I look at Tink. 

"Would you mind cleaning these up?" I ask her. She nods and shoos me away. I take Peter's hand and he leads me out of the tree. 

"Welcome home, Holly," the Lost Boys shout. I smile and look around. Everything is decorated and beautiful.

"Wow, thank you boys. This is so nice," I say happily. They nod and I hug everyone. That's when I decide it. 

I decide that I'm never going to leave Neverland ever again.

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