Chapter Seven:

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Peter keeps an arm on me the entire time.

"What do you want?" Peter asks angrily.

"Well, you dead and I also want her," Hook says with his eyes flicking to me. My heart stops for a moment and I cling onto Peter.

"Over my dead body," Peter growls.

"Well yeah, that's the point."

Peter glares at Hook and I continue to hide behind Peter. I don't want to go back with him. I don't want to go anywhere near Hook, but if it comes down to saving Peter and the Lost Boys, I will do anything.

"Will you take me and forget about Peter and the Lost Boys?" I ask with a frown.

"Now someone is thinking," Hook says with a sly smile.

"Holly, I will not let you do this," Peter says turning to me.

"You don't have a choice Peter. If it saves you then I'm willing to do anything it takes," I say boldly. Peter frowns and I smile at him. I put my hand against his cheek.

"Don't worry about me Peter, protect the Lost Boys. He's going to get bored of me soon enough. Just keep an eye out, in case he decides to drop me in the ocean again. Alright?" I say with a smile. He nods. I start to walk away.

"Oh and Peter," I say without thinking.

"Yeah?" He asks curiously. I quickly turn and kiss him. He stumbles back surprised before retaliating and kissing me back.

"Don't forget about me," I whisper when I lean my forehead on his.

"Never," he whispers back.

"I don't have all day, love," Hook says.

"You haven't responded to my question," I say to him.

"If you come with me I will forget about my hunt for Peter Pan and his Lost Boys," Hook states. I nod and Peter takes my hand.

"Don't do this," Peter pleas.

"I have to go, Peter," I say sadly before slipping out of his hand and walking to Hook. He grabs my arm and smirks at Peter.

"See, Pan? This is what it feels like to have something you cherish ripped away from you," Hook says with a sly smile.

"I love you, Peter Pan," I say before Hook drags me away.

"I love you Holly Marie!" He shouts after me.


"You'll like the new room we have for you," Hook says as the man named Johnson rows the boat to an island that is disconnected from the rest of the island.

"New room? I didn't have a room in the first place, you had me locked in a cell," I point out.

"Touche, but now you will have a room." I get a better look at the island and my heart stops. The island is made in the shape of a skull. Skull Island!

"No, please, don't take me there," I plea.

The Lost Boys told me stories about Skull Island, how it was used to take the souls out of the people that were left to rot there. They told me about how the last girl that was put there didn't remember anyone and she wound up killing herself by jumping off the volcano.

"Please, I will do anything just don't take me there," I beg. Hook stops Johnson and looks at me.

"Anything?" He asks.

"Almost anything," I say quietly. He smirks.

"That's not good enough," he says and makes Johnson continue paddling. I look towards the main island. I'm not a strong swimmer, but I'd rather drown then have to deal with my soul being sucked out of my body. I quickly get up and dive off of the boat.

"You won't last long, especially if the mermaids catch you!" Hook shouts as I swim away.

"After her, you bumbling idiot!" Hook shouts at Johnson. I continue swimming as fast as possible.

"Speak of the little devils," I hear Hook say. I stop and look back. My heart stops when I see the outline of the mermaids under the water.

"If he can't have me, nobody can," I say to Hook before the mermaids pull me under the water. They drag me back to the mainland and lay me on a rock.

"I will make a deal with you!" I say quickly. They look at me and tilt their heads.

"Speak," the oldest one says.

"You may each have one day with my legs if you let me live," I say. Their eyes light up.

"You would be willing to let us walk on land for a day each?" The youngest says with a smile.

"Of course, I know you just want to walk on land," I explain.

"Deal," the middle one says. The oldest one hands me a piece of weed and nods at me. I eat it and scream as my legs mend together to become one tail and she screams as her tail splits in half to become two legs, so do the other girls. My hair lays in wet strands down my body and I look at my tail.

"Whoa," I say as I move it around.

"I have legs!" She shouts happily.

"Me too!" The middle one shouts.

"Same here!" The youngest screams.

"The food will wear off at this time tomorrow, that's when we'll be back. I swear to you," the oldest says. They swim to the shore line and grab some dresses they had stored on the beach.

"See you tomorrow! If you see Peter, send him my way!" I shout to the girls.

"Will do!" They shout back.

"Good bye!" The youngest shouts and wiggles her fingers at me. I smile and wave back. I comb my fingers through my hair and watch the fish as they swim around me. I jump into the water and swim around for a while.


"Holly?!" I hear Peter shout from above the water. I swim up and push my hair out of my face.

"Hello Peter!" I say and get up next to the ledge. He lays down on his stomach and looks at me.

"So you did trade them your legs for a day," he says with a chuckle. I shrug and he pushes the hair out of my face.

"God, you're just as beautiful as one of them as you are a human," Peter says with a smile. I blush and look up at him. He leans down and softly presses his lips to mine.

"How did you escape?" He asks after a few seconds of me kissing him.

"I jumped out of his boat, he was taking me to Skull Island," I explain. Peter's eyes darken and he looks at me.

"Are you okay?" He asks cautiously.

"Yes, the mermaids dragged me back here and we made the bargain," I explain. He nods and touches the side of my face.

"So the Lost Boys, did you tell them?" I ask.

"I had to, they needed to know why I was so upset and why you were gone," he explains.

"So they know I'm a girl?" I ask with a sigh.

"No, they just know that you were kidnapped by Hook and that we couldn't save you because you promised to keep us safe," he explains. I nod and he smiles at me.

"You're the first person that's ever wanted to protect me," he admits.

"I love you," I say without thinking.

"I love you, too," he says with a smile that makes my heart melt.

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