Chapter Seventeen:

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I quickly change out of the sopping wet clothes and dry myself off. I grab the fishnet leggings and slip them on first.

I slip the red dress on. It barely goes mid thigh. I shift in it some and fix the curvature of the dress so it hugs my curves. I grab a thing of red lipstick that I have hidden from when the mermaids gave it to me and put some on. I slip on the high boots and then fluff my almost dry hair before putting on the big pirate hat.

I look at myself in the mirror and gasp. I look like a slut, but I need to get them not to fight. I can hear the slamming of swords now and I quickly rush to the door.

"Peter, you will not escape me today," Hook grunts.

"Want to bet?" I hear Peter laugh. I knock on the door softly.

"Please let me out," I plea. I make my voice that of a siren's. I've been practicing a lot of things since I've gotten to Neverland.

"Please," I sing.

"Alright," a man groans from outside and the door swings open. I smile at him and stride through the door. I wiggle my fingers at a few of the crew members and they instantly swoon.

"Oh Hook," I say in a sing-songy voice. He looks over at me and his jaw drops. I smile and let my eyes play the part.

Peter looks at me and gulps. His eyes trailing my body and taking in every part of my appearance. Hook drops his sword and I look over at Peter quickly. He is still watching me and I look from him to the sword on the ground.

Peter looks at the sword on the ground and quickly understands what I'm saying. He slams into Hook and holds the sword up to his neck.

"Holly, attack!" Hook hollers. Without thinking I grab the sword off of the deck and flip over to Peter. He looks at me surprised and I stare at him with fear in my eyes.

"Holly," Peter says cautiously. I take a few deep breaths and bite my bottom lip as I hold up my sword.

"I, I can't stop. Please, Peter get away from me," I say while shaking.

"Holly," he says backing up some.

"I'm sorry," I whimper as I lunge towards him. Peter flies up into the air and I miss. I watch as he lands on the mast and stares down at me.

"Get out of here, Peter! Before something bad happens!" I shout up at him. He frowns and nods before flying towards the island. I turn and glare at Hook.

"Stop that," he commands. I instantly change my face.

"What did you do to me?!" I shout.

"I used the island against you," he says with a shrug. I feel like crumpling up into a ball and dying.

"I would change, unless you want that outfit off of you," Hook growls. I jump and quickly run into his cabin and change into my other outfit.

I walk back out with my hair in my face. Hook walks up to me and pushes the hair out of my face. He rests his hand on my cheek and I glare at him.

"Don't look so angry, love. I saved you from the sorrow of having him in your life," Hook says.

"You will make me miserable without him," I say before squaring my shoulders and standing up straight. He may be taller than me, but he doesn't scare me.

"You won't be miserable without him. You will have the most amazing life while living on this ship as my second in command," he says. My attitude changes and a smile creeps onto my face and I start to feel happy.

He can't do this to me. He can't make me happy! He can't change my love for Peter!

Suddenly, my thoughts go to the ship and the water. How beautiful everything is here. How lovely the water looks, crystal clear.

"Where are we sailing to next Captain?" I ask with a smile that stretches from ear to ear.

"Where do you want to sail to, love?" He asks.

"Anywhere," I say and standing up straight with my hands on my hips.

"Then we will sail to your hearts content, my love," Hook says with a smirk.

"Finally," I whisper as I walk to side of the boat and look over and into the water.

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