Chapter Two:

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"What's your name lad?" A boy with blonde hair and bright blue eyes asks me. Lad? I'm a lady, I think about saying. Maybe he's going to give me a job.

"John," I say as deep as I can make my voice.

"John, why are you out on the streets?"

"I have nowhere to go," I say sadly.

"Would you like to go somewhere?"

"Please," I say with a begging tone.

"You look like a lost boy," the boy says.

"What do they call you?" I ask curiously.

"Peter Pan, that's what they call me." He pulls me into an alleyway and smiles.

"Do you believe in magic?" He asks with a bright smile.

"Yes," I say with a smile. He whistles and a little ball of light flutters down from the top of the building and lands in his hand. I look at it and sigh.

"Wow," I whisper.

"This is Tinkerbell, Tink this is John," Peter says smiling. The little fairy in his hand waves and makes a tiny jingle sound.

"She's beautiful," I say smiling. The little fairy smiles and turns a slight red color.

"Tink, John is going to be a new Lost Boy in Neverland," Peter says.

"Neverland? Where is Neverland?" I ask.

He points up to the stars and smiles.

"Second star on the right and straight on until morning," he says smiling. Tink starts flying around me and I look at him.

"Believe. Believe in yourself and believe in me," he says. I smile and I shriek as I start to float. He laughs and takes my hand.

"Don't worry John, you're not going to fall," he says. I nod and he starts to move forward. I smile and look around at the city below me.

"Wow," I breathe as we pass over the tops of buildings and the parks I had slept in since I was 14 years old. Nobody wanted to take in an 18 year old girl who hadn't any manners.

"What do you think?" Peter asks.

"It's wonderful," I say with a smile. Tink flies close to me and we start up towards the star.

"Do you trust me?" Peter says.

"I do," I say.

"Then we'll fly to the second star on the right and straight on until morning!" He shouts and we fly towards the star.


I run my fingers through the clouds, they're so fluffy.

"Watch it!" He shouts as a cannonball plummets our way. I roll out of the way and look over the edge.

"Pan! You evil little bugger! Get down here!" A voice shouts up at us. I look at Pan and a smirk plays at his lips.

"Why don't you come up here and make me Hook?!" Peter shouts back.

"Damn you, Pan!"

Peter starts laughing and he takes my hand before diving off of the cloud. I smile at the rush of the breeze around me. We stop falling and Peter and I are sitting atop the mast of the ship.

"Pan!" A man with a bright red outfit and long black hair shouts up at us.

"Why do they call him Hook?" I ask curiously.

"Look at his right hand," he says smiling. I look at his hand and see the shiny, metal hook.

"Oh, that's why," I say.

"Afternoon Hook," Peter says with a smirk.

"Pan, want to come and speak with me?" Hook asks.

"Not particularly, you seem to be in a sour mood. What's got you all riled up? Have you seen the crocodile or something?" Peter asks. Hook's knees start to wobble as he looks around frantically.

"Don't bring him up!" Hook shouts. Peter chuckles and looks at me.

"Let's get out of here. I'm sure the other Lost Boys will want to meet you," Peter says.

"Alright," I reply. He helps me up so I don't fall off of the mast.

"Hey, catch you later Hook," Peter shouts down. Hook shouts swear words angrily and paces around as we fly away with Peter in the lead.

My feet safely land on the sand of the beach and I look at the crystal blue water. This place is beautiful, absolutely stunning. It takes my breath away.

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