Chapter Nine:

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I fly to the boat and land on the mast of the boat. Peter and the Lost Boys and tied up with their backs together.

"She will come," Peter says to Hook with hate laced in his voice.

"Sure she will. I'm sure she would risk her life for you," Hook says sarcastically.

"I wouldn't doubt me Hook," I say down to them. My hair blows in the wind and I watch as they all look up at me. Hook laughs.

"Getting yourself a new outfit isn't going to help you, girl," Hook shouts up. I jump off of the mast in a flip and float above the deck before landing.

"What about a new sense of bravery?" I ask with a sly smile. His eyes widen as he takes in my new appearance.

"John?" Michael asks. I smile at him sweetly.

"Holly," Peter breathes.

"Tink made it for me," I say to Peter.

I draw out my sword.

"Who's first?" I ask everyone with a sword. A blonde haired man steps forward.

"What? Are you afraid of a girl?" I ask him. His eyes darken and he shakes his head clear.

He lunges at me and I block his sword with mine and raise my eyebrows at him.

I fight through seven men before Hook steps up.

"Now it might be a challenge," Hook says.

"If they learned to fight from you then it won't be," I say with a shrug. Peter smirks and watches Hook draw his sword.

"You've got guts, girl. I will give you that, but nothing can protect you when you start a duel with me," Hook says smoothly.

"Do you think I'm going to back out?" I laugh, "You mustn't think so little of me." Hooks smiles and tips his hat.

"Anything for the little girl," he says.

He swings at me and we fight for what seems like forever. I lunge and slice part of his coat. He glares at me and lunges towards my stomach.

I dodge the sword, but a sharp pain stings the side of my body. Peter shouts in anger and I look at my hand. Red liquid stains the palm of my hand. I press my hand against my side and continue to fight.

I cut his arm and he yelps in pain. The sword falls out of his hand and he looks at me. I raise my sword to his neck.

"Watch the hook," Peter whispers.

"Take the hook off," I demand. The hook clangs to the deck and I tie him to the mast.

I cut Peter and the Lost Boys loose. Peter stands and I start to fall. He reaches out and catches me before laying me down with my head in his lap. I'm seriously light headed.

"Holly, hey listen to me, okay?" He says.

"Peter, I love you," I whisper before he leans down and kisses me softly.

"Don't leave me," he whispers in my ear before my eyes flutter closed.


When I open my eyes flowers and beads decorate my hair, along with my bandana. I take a shaky breath and groan as I slowly sit up. My side hurts. I look around. Where am I?

"Oh good, you're awake," a girl says delightedly. I look at her and my eyes narrow. She young, about my age with pitch black hair and a light blue dress that hangs around her ankles.

"And you are?" I ask with another groan.

"I'm Wendy, Wendy Darling," the girl says. Another girl on Neverland? Peter and I are going to have a serious conversation when I see him.

"So, why are you here?" I ask then quickly add, "Not to be rude or anything."

"Peter told me that you are like the Lost Boys."

"Is that a bad thing?" I ask suspiciously.

"No, not at all. Heavens, you take everything offensively. Anyways, Peter brought me here to bring you back to health," Wendy explains. I don't need any help.

"That's considerate," I say and roll my eyes. I stand up and wince at the pain.

"You should be careful how much you exert yourself." I roll my eyes.

"How did you hurt yourself anyhow?" She asks and puts her hands on her hips.

"I fought Hook and won," I say shrugging my shoulders.

"Pete saved me from Captain Hook while you were out," she says. I feel myself start to heat up. Oh yeah, he's in deep shit. Pete? What a stupid nickname.

"That's nice," I say sarcastically. She rolls her eyes and I look at my outfit.

"What in the Hell am I wearing?" I ask with widened eyes.

"It's called a nightgown," Wendy says.

"It's called hideous. Where's my dress?" I ask seriously.

"In the chest," she says and puts a hand on her hip.

"So, did you and Pan kiss?" I ask nonchalantly.

"Um," she hesitates, "Yes once." My anger turns to pure rage and I slam the trunk shut when I get my dress out. I slip out of the hideous nightgown and into my new dress. Tink must have sewn it back together.

"How long have I been out?" I ask.

"Just three days," Wendy explains.

"So I save his ass and he repays me by kissing another girl," I grumble under my breath.

"What?" Wendy asks.

"Nothing, don't worry about it. Where are we?"

"Cheshire bay," she says sounding confused. Perfect. I map my way through the forest and nod when I think of the way to the bay.

"See yeah later," I say before climbing out of the cave. I walk down the mountain and sigh when I get to the ground. I whistle and Tink flies up to me. She smiles and gestures to my side.

"Much better, thank you. I see Peter decided I wasn't enough," I say and walk with Tink in my hand. She shrugs and makes a signal.

"You're right, she does talk too much," I agree.

"Where's Peter?" I ask. She makes a hook with her hand and looks at me.

"Does Hook have him again?" I ask cautiously. She shakes her head and makes a signal.

"Peter has Hook?" I ask confused. She nods.

"Dust me?" I ask. She nods and flies around me. We fly up and she takes me to the boat.

"Well, well, well. Look who's finally awake," Hook says from behind me when I land on the deck. I turn to see Hook with a sword tip to my neck. I look at Tink and she looks at the floor.

"You, you set me up?" I ask angrily. She jingles and looks at me apologetically.

"How could you?" I ask her. She pouts and flies away from me. I glare at Hook and reach for my sword, it's not in its sheath.

"That bitch," I mumble under my breath.

"Missing something?" Hook asks with a sly smile. She must have put it in the trunk separately.

"Alright, you got me," I say and put my hands behind my back. He pulls a flower out of my hair and a string of beads go crashing to the floor. Well this is going to be interesting.

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