Chapter Thirteen:

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I sigh and pout as we fly over the ocean. If I drop from this height I wouldn't have enough room to get into a diving position. If he goes higher then he could catch me before I hit the water. It's a lose-lose situation.

"There we are," Hook says as we near his ship. I roll my eyes and he drops me onto the ship. I scream in surprise, but I land on my feet. I wince and grab my side. I glare at him when he lands. My dress has dried some, but it's still wet.

My damp hair blows in the wind and none of the crew walk towards me. Why aren't they attacking me? I look down and notice my other hand on my sword and look up at everyone and smirk.

"You're all that afraid of me?" I laugh. I glare at them.

"You did kind of limit our numbers last time," Mr. Smee says.

"And that's my fault? He started it," I say nodding towards Hook. Hook smirks and bows. That feather on his hat is really starting to annoy me. I could probably hit it. If I had a gun that is. I look at the closest crew mate and notice the pistol on his hip.

I flip over to him and grab the gun before turning and shooting that damn feather off of his hat. Everyone jumps and I blow the smoke away from the barrel.

"You missed," Hook says with a smirk.

"I wasn't aiming for your head ding nut," I say with a smirk as I see the feather slowly float down. It's completely destroyed and is currently on fire. Hook gasps when he sees it flutter to the deck.

"You were aiming for the feather?" Smee asks.

"What?! It was pissing me off!" I explode.

"That was an amazing shot," Johnson says. I toss the gun back over to the crew member and shrug.

"Not really," I say.

"What do you consider an amazing shot?" Hook asks. I look around.

"See that bird?" I ask pointing over the edge and walking to the side of the ship. Hook stands next to me and nods. I hold out my hand and he gives me his pistol.

"She's never going to make that shot," Johnson says.

"I bet five gold coins she won't," Johnson continues.

"Bet you fifteen I can," I say to him.

"You're on," he smirks. I focus on the bird and take a few deep breaths before firing the gun. I watch as the bird drops out of the sky.

"Oh my goodness," Smee says. I turn to Johnson and hold out my hand.

"Fifteen gold coins please," I say with a smirk. He drops the coins into my hand and I drop them into my pouch.

"Come and speak with me," Hook says to me. I hand him his pistol and walk into his cabin. I sit in his chair and cross my legs. He walks in and looks at me.

"How did you know you could make that shot?" He asks.

"I didn't," I admit. He looks at me shocked.

"You didn't know you could make that shot?"

"I just said that, didn't I?"

He rolls his eyes and pulls me up and out of his chair. I glare at him as he sits down and smirks at me.

"What did you want to talk to me about?" I ask him seriously and lean against the wall.

"I want you to join my crew," he says. I laugh and grip my side.

"You're joking right?" I ask. He shakes his head.

"So let me get this straight. You want me to join your crew, betray Peter Pan, and then what? Kill Wendy Darling?" I ask with a roll of my eyes.

"If that's what you wish to do then yes. You can kill Wendy Darling," he says. A smile creeps onto my face and he smirks.

"Is that what you want to do, love? Do you want to be the one to kill Wendy?" He asks with a voice that makes me smile.

"You have no idea," I say.

"I think I do, love. If you want to kill her as much as I want to kill him."

"Would I still be living with the Lost Boys?" I ask him.

"Yes, you would have to keep up the ruse that you're one of them," he says.

"And I can be the one to kill her?"

"But of course," he says. This is going to work out nicely for me. I smile and look up at him with my eyes darkening.

"So, do we have a deal?" He asks.

"We have a deal," I say holding out my hand. He shakes it and his eyes darken as well.

"Welcome to the life of a pirate, Holly."

"Does Smee know anything about the poisonous plants here?"

"Yes. He's out on the main deck if you'd like to speak with him," Hook says and I nod. I walk out onto the deck and Hook follows me.

"Meet the newest member of the crew," Hook shouts and the crew hurrahs.

"Smee!" I shout and he runs up to me.

"I need your help, please," I say quietly. He nods and I walk into the Captain's Cabin and shut it behind me.

"Wendy poisoned me," I say straight forwardly.

"What do you mean?" He asks curiously. I grab a pair of trousers and a long baggy shirt, have Smee turn around and change.

"This is what I mean," I say lifting up a side of the shirt and showing him my wound.

"Oh my goodness," he says in shock.

"She put the plant in me when she was bringing me back to health and she can enable it's poison when she is pissed at me," I say with a groan.

"It's huntsberry," he says while admiring my wound.

"Here's my question: can you get it out?"

He looks up at my face to see if I'm actually serious. He gulps and he nods slowly.

"Thank God, can you do it now?"

"Without anesthetics? You're joking right?"

"I really need this out," I say.

"How do you suggest I take it out? I can't do it with you screaming and writhing in pain," he says.

"Knock me out and have some of the guys hold me down," I reply.

"Are you sure that you want to do this?"

"I'm positive Smee. I really need this poison out of me if I'm going to kill her," I say with my eyes darkening.

"Alright then," he says with a gulp.

I walk out and onto the deck.

"You and you and you," I say pointing to three men, "Come here."

Hook walks up to me and looks at me curiously.

"What are you doing?" He asks me. I look up at him and pull up the side of my shirt to show him the marks from the poison.

"Holy shit," he whispers and looks at it.

"Smee is going to remove it. Do you have anywhere we can do it?" I ask.

"My cabin is fine, be careful, please," he pleas. I nod and bring the three men into the cabin with me.

"Good choice," Smee says looking at the three men.

"Knock her out," Smee says smoothly.

"Wai-" I start before the world goes black.

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