Chapter Twenty-Six:

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I stare at the deck quietly. My hands are untied and my dress is partially undone. I look down and fix the few undone buttons on my bodice before continuing to stare at the deck silently.

Harry comes back and I look up at him. He jumps when he sees the darkness under my eyes and the dead look in them. Harry walks over to me.

"What did he do?" Harry whispers.

"What do you think?" I reply quietly, "Did you get Tink?"

"Yeah she's right here," he says and holds her out to me. I look at her and she frowns when she sees me.

"I know. Dust me quickly," I whisper. She quickly flies around me and lands on Harry's hand again.

"Thank you," I whisper. She nods and Harry walks over to Hook's office. I continue to sit quietly. I have my way to get back home. Tink will come with me and Harry will stay on the mainland with Hook and his crew. The plan is almost flawless. Almost meaning that any one thing can change the way this plan turns out.

"Harry!" Hook explodes excitedly. I look up at them.

"Since you've proved your loyalty I would like to offer you a gift," Hook says and looks at me slowly.

"Come here," he says to me. I nod and walk over quietly.

"She's yours. You can do what you like when you like to her." Hook explains, "And you will of course. Since you aren't loyal to Pan anymore."

"Of course," Harry says. I gasp and take a step back.

"How could you?" I ask Harry angrily. He shrugs.

"I got tired of his shit," Harry explains. I glare at him.

Hook grabs my arm with a tight grip and I wince. Harry's eyes flash with worry before returning to normal.

"So where are we going?" Hook asks.

"We call it the mainland. It's got four oceans and seven seas for you to sail," I whimper. He smiles and drops me. I collapse to the deck in a small heap.

Harry leans down and helps me up. He pushes the hair out of my face. I look at him with a look of gratitude.

"Thank you," I whisper.

"So, how do we get there?" Hook asks. 

I point up to the star that leads back to the mainland. 

"We fly," I say quietly. 


"That's why we need Tinkerbell. She needs to dust the ship." 

"Bring out the fairy," Hook says. Tinkerbell is brought out in a little cage and I look at her shocked. 

"Tink, I'm sorry," I say. She turns red and starts to jingle loudly. 

"You'll dust the ship if you ever want to come back to Neverland," Hook threatens. 

"Don't talk to her like that!" I shout. 

"Then you talk to her!" Hook shouts and drags me over to the cage. 

"Tink, please dust the ship so we can all go home. You can fly back home as soon as we make it to the mainland," I say nicely. Tink nods and I open the cage door.

"What are you doing?" Hook hisses. Tink quickly flies around the ship before landing in the little cage again. I close the cage door and smile at her. 

"Thank you, Tinkerbell." 

She nods and sits down with a small jingle. 

The ship starts to float out of the water and I quickly run up to the wheel. I hold it tightly as I start to lead us up and out of Neverland. 

"Everyone hold on tight, it's going to be a bumpy ride!" I shout. 


We touch down in the waters just outside of London. It's night, so nobody saw us coming in. 

"Where are we?" Hook asks. 

"We're right outside of London," I say. 

"London? What's London?" Hook asks. 

"It's a town," I say. I walk down the steps and over to Tink. I open the cage. She quickly flies around Harry and I. We all fly out of reach of the crew. 

"Thanks for the lift to the mainland," Harry says with a bow. 

"And thanks for getting out of my hair," I smile. Tink lands on my shoulder and jingles angrily at Hook. 

"Have a nice life of piracy on the seas," I say to Hook before flying towards the land with Harry. 


"Are you sure that you want to stay here? You're going to grow up," I say with a frown. 

"Yes. I don't want to be a kid anymore, Holly. I want to grow up and start a family and get a job. I want to be part of something important," Harry says. 

"You were a part of something important, Harry. You were a Lost Boy. What are the others going to say when they find out that I just let you leave?" 

"They'll have to just accept that this is what I wanted." 

I hug him tightly. 

"Good luck, Harry. We'll be wishing the best for you everyday," I say. 

"Thanks, Holly," he replies. I look at Tinkerbell. 

"Well, Tink. Lead me home," I say. Harry smiles and waves as we fly away, on to the second star on the right and straight on 'til morning. 

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