Chapter Fourteen:

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I shoot up gasping and clutching my chest. I have a strong pounding in my head and my side hurts. I take a few deep breaths. I groan and gulp. My chest rises and falls in a fast motion. I look down and note how I'm in a shirt and trousers still. I'm on Hook's boat still. I remember our deal and Smee telling them to knock me out. Bastard. I get up and look down at my side. All signs of the poison are gone and I walk out and onto the deck.

"She's awake!" Someone shouts. I look around and my eyes flutter as I stumble slightly. One of the crew mates holds me up. I take a heavy breath and watch as Smee walks up to me. He presses a hand to my head and nods.

"She's going to live," Smee announces. I feel really light headed.

"Is it out?" I ask weakly.

"Yes and we need to get you back to Pan," Hook says from behind me.

"My dress and sword," I say inbetween breaths. Smee runs off to collect my things and I look at Hook.

"You look horrible," he says with a laugh.

"Dick," I say with a roll of my eyes. I try to stand up straight, but I start to fall so the crew man stands me up. Hook laughs and watches me.

"Here," Smee says handing me my things.

"Thank you," I say and hold onto them.

"Johnson will row you to shore," Hook says.

"Good bye," I say as they carefully set me in the boat.

"Take the medicine that I put in your pouch once a day, okay Holly?" He says.

"I will."

"Good luck." I wave at them as Johnson rows me to shore.


"Holly!" Peter shouts when he sees me stumbling through the forest.

"Peter!" I shout weakly before falling to my knees. I take a few deep breaths and look up as he runs up to me.

"Where have you been?" He asks and helps me up.

"Later," I whisper and lean into him.

"Where do you want to go?" He asks me sweetly.

"I need to rest," I whisper.

"Okay, I will take you back to the tree," he says to me. I nod and walk with him to the tree.

"Hold on, okay, I'm going to send you down the slide and meet you at the bottom, sound good?" He asks.

"Whatever works," I mutter and he carefully sets me on the slide. I slide down and Peter catches me when I get to the bottom. He holds me bridal style and everyone gasps when they see me.

"What happened to her?"

"Is she alright?"

"Where did you find her?"

"I thought I told you not to go looking for her," one voice stands out more than the others and adrenaline pulses through my veins.

"Put me down," I say to Peter.

"I don't think," he starts.

"Peter Pan, you put me down right now," I explode. Wendy smiles and Peter sets me down. I draw out my sword and hold it out to Wendy. She glares at me.

"You're going to try this again?" She asks and looks at my side.

"Guess what, bitch. You don't own my life anymore," I growl and she gets a look of pure panic on her face.

"No, it's not possible," she says staring at me.

"Well it is and if you go near Peter again I will slit your throat in your sleep and watch as you drown in your own blood," I growl. Everyone steps away from me, even Peter. I slam my shoulder into hers as I walk past her and I hear people speaking quietly. I collapse when I get into Peter's part of the tree.

"Hey, are you alright?" He asks.

"I'm just sore. I'm fine, really," I assure him. He helps me up and watches my face carefully. I know my face twists in pain when I stretch my side some and his face quickly changes into one of worry. I open the pouch and take a small leaf and eat it quickly. I instantly start feeling better. Peter looks at me and his eyes widen in shock.

"Smee healed you while you were on his ship, didn't he?!" Peter explodes. I look at him and nod slightly.

"Holly, are you insane?!" He shouts.

"I made a deal with him, Peter!" I shout back.

"What is the deal?!"

"I made him think that he can trust me! I made him think that I will join his crew! You and I both know that I am and always will be a Lost Boy!"

"Why did you do it?!"

"That bitch has you wrapped around her damn finger, Peter! I want her gone! If you don't get rid of her I will!"

"You won't go near her!" He shouts. That's when my heart shatters into a million pieces.

"You do care about her!" I scream at him. He realizes what he said and his face instantly changes.

"Fuck, Holly, you know that's not what I meant!"

"Fuck you, Peter! You made me think I can trust you! You played me like a damn fool!" I shout and get up and pick up my shit.

"Where are you going?!" He shouts as I walk out of his area and into the main room.

"I'm leaving! Fuck you, Peter! Go screw your little whore! I'm going back to Hook!" I shout. Everyone gets quiet.

"She's not good in bed! She doesn't mean anything! She only had a price! She had me sleep with you so I could save you! I didn't want to have sex with her! All fucking lies, right to my face! You played me Peter and I fell for it!" I shout at him. Everyone looks at him and me.

"Holly," he tries.

"Go screw your whore," I say turning on my heel and storming out of the tree.

"Holly!" He shouts after me. I sprint to Mermaid's Cove and dive into the water with all of my stuff. I swim over to the rock and sit while I wait for the mermaids.

They swim up to me and look at me curiously.

"How can we help you?" The oldest mermaid asks.

"Do you know where Hook's ship is?" I ask them. They nod and I look at them seriously.

"Take me there?" I ask.

"Why do you want to go there?" The middle mermaid asks.

"Because I was betrayed and I need to stay with Hook," I say.

"But he will hurt you," the youngest one says.

"I need to go there. Will you please take me there?"

"Yes, we will take you there," the oldest one says.

"Thank you and don't tell Peter Pan about where you took me," I plea. They nod and I take their hands. The youngest carries my things while the older two pull me along the water. Good bye Lost Boys, hello Pirates.

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