Chapter Twenty-Two:

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Wendy is sprawled out across the floor and is smiling at Peter and the other Lost Boys. I take a few steps backwards and walk out of the tree. I jump as the hatch slams down behind me. I don't have very much time now.

I take a few deep breaths before taking off towards my old tree house. I clamber up and into my tree house and hide. My back presses against the wall as I hear people running up. I curse as the flowers light up from my touch.

"There, see the lights?" I hear Harry ask. I look around for an escape and quickly notice the branch outside my window. I run over to it as Harry starts to climb up the ladder to the tree house. I climb out the window and hoist myself up and onto the branch.

"Out the window!" Harry shouts. I climb higher in the tree and look down at everyone. I blend into the tree and hold my breath.

"Come down and we won't hurt you," Harry says. I gulp and watch as he searches through the tree. I gasp as I slide down some branches. He looks in my direction. He starts climbing towards me and I breathe heavily as I climb backwards and away from him.

"Who are you?" He asks. I scream as I fall backwards and out of the tree. I cry out in agony when I slam into the top of the tree house. I hold my arm tightly towards my chest and grit my teeth.

"Holly!" Harry shouts and lands down next to me. He crouches down next to me and puts a hand on my shoulder.

"Shit! Mikey, go get Peter!" Harry shouts. I whimper as he touches my wrist and my lower arm.

"That hurts," I say angrily.

"Well you broke it," Harry retaliates. I scream as he touches it more.

"Stop, please!" I cry. He stops and I wince at the pain. Fucking damn it!

"Holly!" Peter shouts and he's suddenly next to me. Everything is fuzzy and blurry.

"Hey, listen to me. Okay?" Peter says quickly.

"Peter, you have to let me help her," a voice says.

"No," I growl, "You stay away from me."

"Please, Holly. You have to let me help you," she says. I shake my head. No, no, no, no, no.

"No," I say again.

"You don't have a choice, Holly," she says.

"Yes I do," I groan. Someone lifts me up and I cry out in pain.

The run is short and extrutiatingly painful. I wind up gritting my teeth and doing everything humanly possible not to start bawling. Whoever is holding me sets me down on a soft squishy thing.

"I need a two branches and a piece of cloth now," Wendy says to the others. They hurry off. I hear things being set down next to me and someone takes my other hand.

"I'm here Holly," someone says. I whimper as she touches my arm.

"Stop moving," she says sternly. I'm moving?

"Hold her down please. Otherwise this isn't going to turn out well," I hear her say. A couple of hands press down on my arms and legs.

I hear a stomach churning snap and pain fires up in my arm. I scream and try to grab my arm. People grunt and I don't move.

Another snap and everything goes black.

I glare at the ropes around my wrists and look up at Hook.

"You really think you can make me forget my love for him?!" I shout angrily.

"Well I don't think. I know I can," he snarls. He leans down close to my face and I can smell the liquor on his breath. It makes me gag.

"He left you for Wendy. He didn't love you. He never loved you. He wanted to use you. He wanted you to fall for him and then have your heart broken. He left you. He hated you," he says. My heart shatters as I take in everything he just told me.

He never loved me, did he? Did he really hate me? How could I have been so stupid?!

"Holly, please wake up," a voice says from the darkness.

Everything around fades into black. Well, this is an interesting turn of events.

"Relax Peter, she just passed out from the pain. She's fine. See how her chest is moving? She's breathing so she's fine," the girl says. I know who that is.

Feeling starts up in my toes and I wiggle them. My legs ache, but I shift them some. Soon enough my eyes flutter open and I see Peter watching my face carefully. I look over at Wendy and she watches me cautiously. I don't feel like fighting right now. I don't feel like anything right now, either.

"Relax," I croak, "I'm not in the mood for a fight." Her face instantly relaxes and she excuses herself.

"Are you alright?" Peter asks.

"Peachy," I admit. I hurt.

"What hurts most?" He asks.

"My arm," I say as I look at it. It's wrapped up in cloth and I can't feel most of it at the moment.

"You broke it in two different spots," he explains, "Wendy broke it back into place and put it in a cast thingy."

"Yeah," I say.

"You aren't saying much."

"There isn't much to be said," I reply.

"Look, I know you're upset that she's still here," he starts.

"I said I'm not in the mood to fight," I interupt.

"Let me speak, please?" I nod.

"We haven't done anything. She's afraid of you..."

"With good reason," I interupt.

"Do you mind?" I apologize and he continues, "I asked her to stay because if something had happened to you on Hook's ship I wanted her to be here to help you."

My heart softens and I look at him to see if he's lying. I know he isn't and I smile some.

"I love you, Holly. And only you," he says to me. I reach up with my good arm and pull his lips down to mine and I kiss him softly and he kisses me back.

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