Chapter Eight:

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Peter takes my hand and we talk for a while. I must admit, being a mermaid is a strange feeling.

"So what did Hook say to you?" He asks.

"Nothing really. I remembered what the Lost Boys told me about Skull Island and I flipped. I was out of there really quickly," I say with a smile.

"Peter?!" Someone shouts. I let go of his hand and swim over to the rock and comb through my hair. Harry runs out of the woods. I groan and swim back over.

"Hello Harry," I say with a smile.

"Hello John," he says quickly. He looks back over at me, "Damn girl. What happened to you?"

"Mermaids, now what's wrong?" Peter asks.

"There are three girls running around Neverland," Harry says confused. I laugh and move my tail some behind me.

"She's a mermaid now?" Harry asks.

"For now, until the girls get back. Keep an eye on them for now and just keep them out of trouble, alright?" Peter says to him.

"Yeah, sure thing. Is it true that a mermaid's kiss is good luck?" Harry asks. I shrug and Harry sprints off into the woods.

"We should see if it is true," Peter laughs.

"Alright then," I say coming up to the ledge. I boost myself up and onto it. Peter sits next to me. I pull his face towards mine a kiss him softly. He kisses back and soon the kiss is hot.

"Well, I guess mermaids are deceitful," Michael says from behind us. I gasp and jump into the water and swim over to my rock. It's far enough away that you can't see my face clearly.

"Michael, what are you doing here?" Peter asks.

"Who's the mermaid?"

"Holly," Peter says smoothly.

"Oh, Harry needs your help with something," Michael says. Peter curses and looks from me to the forest.

"Go, just don't forget about me," I say in the sing-songy way the mermaids do. Peter smirks and nods.


They've been gone for hours. I'm bored. I hope something didn't happen to them.

Suddenly, the three girls sprint out of the forest and dive into the water. I swim up to them and help them to the rock.

"We want our tails back," the oldest says to me.

"Why? What happened?" I ask with panic in my voice.

"That evil man, Hook, started a chase on us and he captured the cute blonde boy and his friends.

"Peter?" I ask in shock.

"Yeah! Him!" The middle one shouts.

"He was worried about you," the youngest says.

"He kept saying that you'd come for him," the oldest says.

"And the fairy?" I ask.

"I haven't seen her. I think she's still hiding," the middle one says. The youngest one hands me another weed and looks at me.

"This will give you your legs back," the youngest says.

"Thank you," I say quietly. I chew it up and swallow it. I scream as my tail splits in two and my legs form. I take a few deep breaths. Then the girls pull me to the shore.

"Grab one of the dresses," the oldest says with a smile.

"Thank you," I say. They nod and I dig through the dresses. I grab a red one that hugs my curves. When I get into the forest I tear the dress in different places so I can move more. My hair cascades down my shoulders. I sprint through the forest to the tree.

"Tink!" I shout as I hit the bottom of the slide. It's completely quiet.

"Tink!" I shout again. A little jingle sounds and Tinkerbell flies forward to me.

She jingles and makes signals. I watch her and I'm very confused. She's moving too fast.

"Tink, slow down," I say. I watch her do hand signals and I gasp.

"Hook took them?!" I shout surprised. She nods and looks me over. She gestures to my outfit.

"I'm a girl," I say with a shrug.

She holds up a finger and flies away from me. She moves quickly and I look away for a moment. She jingles and I look back. She holds up a dress and hands it to me.

It is brown and red and blue and it looks like a pirate's dress. I take a deep breath and slip it on. I also put on the bandana that is attached. My hair is pulled back and out of my face, but I look like a serious girl.

"What do I do Tink?" I ask. She jingles and flies to a wall. She opens a hidden panel and I walk over. A bright silver sword gleams in the light.

"Oh this is so happening," I say and grab the sword. I turn and hold it up. Tink does some signals and I nod. I start slicing through the air and picturing Hook in front of me.

She jingles in approval and I look at her. She smiles at me.

"Tink, may I have some of your fairy dust?" I ask slowly. She nods and flies around me quickly. I believe in Peter and I believe in myself. My feet lift from the ground and I sheath my sword.

"I'm coming Peter," I say before flying out of the tree and above the forest.

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