Chapter Fifteen:

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Johnson and Smith pull me onboard and Smee grabs my things from the mermaids. I smile at them and thank them again.

"Please remember, if Pan asks if you know where I am tell him that you know nothing," I plea.

"We won't forget, Holly," the oldest mermaid says.

"Thank you girls, so much," I say with a sympathetic smile. They smile and wave at me before they swim away.

"What happened?" Hook asks.

"Peter and I got into a fight and I called it off with him. I want to murder Wendy," I growl. Hook smiles and nods.

"Alright. Johnson set Miss. Holly a hammock in her own personal corner," Hook says. Johnson nods and disapears down some steps.

"Let's get you a new outfit, shall we?" Hook asks me. I nod and we walk into his cabin and he gives me a brown dress that goes down below my knee and cuts up the side to halfway up my thigh and laces up the back with black cloth the cover my breasts and a big pirate hat. He leaves and I change. I grab the belt and put it on around my waist I add my sheath to it and put my sword in. I put on my shorts and put on my boots. I flip my hair and put on my hat. I walk onto the deck and everyone turns to look at me. I look up at everyone and they all take a step back.

"Please welcome my second in command Miss. Daughtry," Hook says from above me. I smile and look at everyone. I put a hand on my hip and hold up my chin.

"Holly!" Someone shouts. I look up and see the boy I love flying towards Hook's ship. He stops short when he sees me.

"No, they haven't already converted you. I haven't lost you," Peter says with panic interlaced in his voice. He flies up to me and stands in front of me.

"You're too late Pan. She's one of us now," Hook says. I can practically hear the smirk in his voice.

"Please come back with me Holly," Peter pleas.

"Is she gone?" I ask him with a straight face.

"No," he admits.

"Then I'm not coming back, Peter. When she's gone then I will be back, but until then forget me," I say with an attitude. Peter's eyes widen and his face fades.

"Holly, please don't let him get into your head," Peter begs.

"You don't control me, Peter!" I shout angrily. Peter presses his lips to mine and I feel myself relax under his touch.

"Stop!" Hook shouts. My eyes flicker and I step back and away from Peter.

"Holly?" Peter asks cautiously and I keep my eyes on the floor boards.

"You should leave," Hook says. Peter watches me and I bite my bottom lip.

"Holly?" Peter asks again.

"Tell him to leave, Holly," Hook says. Something in me instantly changes and I look up at Peter.

"You should leave, Peter," I say without thinking. Peter's eyes flicker with interest, but are quickly replaced with a fake dispair look. Does he not care anymore?

"Alright, but after I do something," he says.

"Do wha-" I am cut off my him pulling me into his arms and kissing me hard. My stomach and lower half of my body is pressed against him and my breath is matching his as I kiss him back. It feels as if the world stops. Everything is in slow motion around me as I kiss him and nothing makes sense other than the sensation of his lips on mine. I cry out when we're pulled apart. He grunts as the crew members pull him from me.

"Peter!" I scream.

"Stop!" Hook shouts. I go perfectly still and Peter watches me with interest.

"What did you do to her?!" Peter shouts at Hook. He didn't do anything to me. Did he?

"Skull Island doesn't do what you think it does," Hook says to him.

"You took me to Skull Island?!" I shout angrily. Johnson and Anders tighten their grips on my arm. I slam my feet down their shins and flip out of their grips. I pull out my sword and sprint at Hook. He draws his sword and I slam my sword into his. He stumbles back and onto one knee as he holds his arm out to block my blow.

"Call them back!" I scream in fury as he continues to fight back.

"Never!" He shouts. I slam my sword into his continuously and he fights back. He slams me against the railing of his ship and I cry out as I block his blow. He leans against me and I push as hard as I can to keep the sword off of my skin.

"Holly!" Peter shouts in desperation. I look over and note how he's covered in chains and weights.

"Peter!" I scream and adrenaline screams in my veins. I push Hook off of me and spin as my foot collides with his chest. He topples over and I flip from the upper deck to the lower one. They shove Peter off of the plank and into the water. I scream and dive into the water after him.

I swim as fast as humanly possible to him. When I get to him we're a long way under the water. He's struggling against the chains and I'm trying to pull them off of him. I think back to everything I've gotten since my first day here.

I grab the weed that the mermaids offered to me for whenever I needed it. I put it in my mouth and chew it up. My legs form into a mermaid's tail and I can breathe under the water. I look at Peter and he looks at me. I press my lips to his and blow oxygen into his lungs. He closes his eyes in relief and we fight with the chains and weights some more. Will they ever come off of him?!

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