Not So Secret Crush

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When Ponyboy and I got downstairs Steve, Two-Bit, and Johnny were in the living room. Darry was with Soda in the kitchen and Dally was outside having a smoke.

"I should probably go... Thanks again for the shirt Pony," I said and walked out the door.

Dally looked at me for a second, exhaled then said "Want me to walk you home y/n?".

"If you don't mind Dal. Man, I hope I never see those socs again," I said and kicked a stone down the street.

"Yeah we all do but it's not very likely," He said as we walked down the Curtis's driveway.

We walked in silence for a few blocks.
Dally looked like he was gonna say something but was trying to choose the right words to say.

"How do ya like Ponyboy?" he asked. He looked like he gave up on the choosing words thing and just said the question bluntly.

I gulped loudly and begged that the dim light from the streetlamp above didn't catch my now red cheeks.

"I mean he's nice but Two- Bit and Johnny are nice too," I said trying to shift the conversation.

"Cut the crap Y/n, you only met him today but you look at the kid like he's God or somethin," Dally said louder than before.

"I don't look at him like he's god!" I said in an outraged tone.

"Also, Two-Bit told me that he saw yall holding hands," he said with a smug look on his face.

"Damnit, Two-Bit" I said.

"I'm ok with you two being together but it's Darry you need to convince. Not me," He said as he spiked up the collar of his leather jacket.

"You are alright with me dating Ponyboy..." I muttered to myself.

Just as we reached my house, I realised what I said "Wait, I'm not dating Ponyboy, you know that right?" I corrected.

"Not yet," Dal retorted and walked away.
The next day

I woke up and sighed. It was Monday my first day at a new school.

I liked my old school and never got below a B but I knew that people would be looking at me.

The nerves started as stomach butterflies but traveled up my spine and now I was anxious.

I got dressed I wore a black skater skirt with a red blouse tucked into it.

My dad was at the breakfast table when I got downstairs and was eating toast. I finished my breakfast quickly then went out the back garden to take Pony's shirt off the line without my dad noticing.

"Hey kiddo, I'm sorry but I won't be able to pick you up from school later. The schools not far, can you walk?" my Dad asked when I got back in.

"Sure Dad no worries," I said while backing my books in my bag.

The ride to school went by quick because my Dad was singing some song from the 30s that I didn't know so I spent most of the ride laughing at him and trying to pick up the chorus.

"Remember to get your schedule and locker number from the secretary," Dad reminded me before I got out of the truck.

"Don't worry Dad I won't forget," I replied before giving him a kiss of the cheek and hopping out of the truck.

Kid Cousin - Ponyboy Curtis X !Winston ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now