The Hearing

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"Just come in the car with Soda, Darry and I," Ponyboy smiled at y/n.

Y/n was hesitant with an answer. If this hearing went assways then the car ride will be the last time the brothers will be able to be alone with eachother and talk. She didn't want to ruin their last memory as a family. No matter how strongly y/n felt about Ponyboy, she couldn't expect him to stay with her forever. Y/n couldn't picture her life without him but nothing is guaranteed. Did Ponyboy feel as strongly about her?

Ponyboy waited for an answer. He wanted her to ride to the courthouse with them. He wanted to make the most of every moment he can with the people he loves before- wait... Did he love y/n? Ponyboy smiled at the thought. "Yeah, yeah I do,"

Y/n looked at him confusedly. "Pone, I didn't ask you nothing,"

Ponyboy shook his head "Right. Anyways, just come in the car with us... Please?" he smiled goofily.

"Only if you're sure," y/n gave in. Ponyboy nodded.


The whole journey to the courthouse, Ponyboy's hand didn't leave y/n's. He was scared that if he let go then it would be forever. "That's a bit sappy," he thought and chuckled to himself.

When they got to the courthouse, the gang filed in the front row. Ponyboy only let go of y/n's hand when she was whisked away to sit beside the other witnesses. Right before the hearing started, Harry Winston came in rushedly. The fact that y/n was speaking was obviously new news to him too.

Harry sat down beside his daughter. "Did you know about this?" he whispered.

"Not a notion" she replied, slightly smiling.

The hearing started but y/n's couldn't hear over the sound of her heartbeat. Her vision was fuzzy but only cleared up when she looked at Ponyboy. He shot her an easygoing smile and she wondered if he was nervous at all...

Ponyboy shook with anxiety. But once glance at y/n and he could tell that she felt worse. "Just smile at her, Ponyboy," he thought to himself "Pretend you're calm," so that's what he did.

From what Y/n could tell, Ponyboy was being asked about his family life and all the witnesses were being asked about the night that Johnny killed Bob. Y/n calmed down a bit, all she had to do is say the truth. That she left the movies early.

When she was called up to the stand, she struggled to walk up. The mic had slight feedback but it was magnified in y/n's ears.

"Uh hi," she smiled nervously.

The court guard came up to the stand with a bible. "Do you promise to tell the truth, only the truth and nothing but the truth,"

"Yeah, yeah of course I do," she placed her hand on the bible.

"So your name is Y/n Winston and you are Mr. Ponyboy Curtis's girlfriend. Is all of this correct?" the judge asked.

"Yes, your honour," the girl replied.

The stenographer tapped on the typewriters loudly but other than that, y/n swears that she would be able to hear a pin drop.

"Did you also go to the drive-in theatre the night that Robert Sheldon was killed?"

"Uh yes. B-but I left early," y/n stammered, hoping the judge wouldn't ask her why.

She obviously didn't catch y/n's silent plea beacause "Why" was the very next question he asked.

Y/n looked at her boyfriend, to the firey-haired girl and back to Ponyboy.
He still didn't know what happened that day in the library.

She gulped. "I left early beacause... I was beaten up in my school library a week before by the people sitting in front of us and I couldn't stand to be that close to them. I still can't to this day,"

If the court room wasn't silent before, it definitely was now. Ponyboy's face dropped into a shocked expression.

The judge asked y/n a few more questions, which she answered quickly. Her stomach contracted and she felt like she had betrayed Ponyboy by not telling him about it. But what could she do? She didn't want to tell him while he was grieving and she definitely didn't want to tell him while he was delirious.

Y/n sat back down, she watched as Ponyboy was asked more questions about his life at home, which he answered confidently.

The clock on the wall seemed to tick so slowly, but after what felt like years. The judge finally came to a decision.

"Defendant found not guilty. He will be placed under the care of his older brother, Darrel,"

Everyones face lighted up. Darry and Soda ran towards Ponyboy. As the gang walked out of the courthouse they all cheered in excitement.

Y/n and Harry seemed like the last people to exit. Everone was crouding around the Curtis brothers in a group, but through a gap between people's arms, Ponyboy spotted y/n and smiled.

He dodged people and quickly ran to hug her. Ponyboy leaned in for a kiss but then realised that her Dad was stills there and stopped.

Harry noticed this. "Oh um, I'm just gonna go congratulate your brothers," he said, embarrassedly.

Ponyboy kissed y/n sweetly on the lips, knowing it wasn't going to be their last, or second last, or third last.

"Alright so, I timed a bus to where I'm taking you. We're gonna miss is if we don't run," He said excitedly.

Y/n nodded in agreement. She quickly said goodbye to everyone before Ponyboy yanked her arm, signalling to go.

They ran down a side road and onto a main street where a double decker was just pulling into the stop.

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