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Emily's POV

The constant screams from downstairs clogged my ears from anything else. I tried to turn up my earphones but I couldn't concentrate. All I could hear was my mother and father screaming at each other.

I should be used to this. It happens all the time. But why am I not?

Because it's about me. Their fights are always about me.

My eyes clouded up with tears at the thought of the time when I walked in on my father cornering my mother, screaming awful things about me. "She was a mistake! That's all she is! All she has ever been!" That was a year ago, and it hasn't stopped.

The look on my mothers face when he said that terrified me. She looked so scared but angry at the same time. It made me feel the same.

I was 16 when I heard that. It's really hard at a time like that. You're still trying to find yourself. Usually, a girl my age is worried about what the guys at school think of her. Not the guy at home. You shouldn't have to be afraid of your own family.

And just to add to my twisted life, only a couple weeks ago, my boyfriend of 8 months cheated on me.

This was my darkest time ever. Not only did my father not want me, but Will, my ex-boyfriend didn't either.

I opened my door and peeked my head out, to see my dad slide his hand across the counter forcefully, his mug crashing on the floor. Not just any mug. The mug that I made him when I was ten years old. When I thought he loved me. It felt like the mug shattered in my face because of how much it hurt to see that.

My body was shaking as I slipped down the stairs and out of the door as quiet as possible, which I've had a lot of practice with. I walked down my front walkway and onto the dark, deserted street. I sobbed as loud as I wanted, because they couldn't hear me now. I shivered and wrapped my arms around myself as the cold fall air nipped at my skin.

One more year. One more year and I'm out of this house and away in college.

I walked along the street and saw almost everyone's lights were out, which is what my house should look like. But instead, all the lights in my house are on, and it's louder than ever.

I sat on a bench, not sure where I was anymore. But that was okay, because I didn't want to go back. I couldn't see anything because my eyes were so blurry from the tears and I hid my face in my hands.

And I didn't even flinch when I felt someone sit down next to me.

So there's the intro! I hope you guys are as excited about this story as I am! Comment your thoughts and vote if you liked it! The next chapter should be up soon, I just have to edit it!


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