twenty seven

124 5 0

Emily's POV

The next day I knocked on Harry's door at around noon. It took a minute but he opened the door, and his face lit up, "Hey." He stepped outside and shut the door.

"Hi, um so I was thinking." I started, fiddling with my thumbs.
"I really don't care. About this secret thing. I really like you, and knowing you, you're probably just being insecure and over exaggerating anyway." I said, taking a deep breath.

"Emily, if you don't want things hidden from you-"

I cut him off by pressing my lips to his, "I want to be able to do that whenever I want. I really don't care about what it is. I care about you. And I know that you're amazing, and I really like you."

His serious expression twisted into a smile and he cupped my face in his hands and pressed his lips to mine again. I smiled, kissing him back quickly.

"You're the best person I've ever met." He said, holding my hand and stepping off the patio, pulling me with him.

"And why's that?"

"Because everyone is always so judgmental, but you're so understanding and just nice. There's not many people like you anymore."

"Well it may be because of who I've grown up around. I've seen the way that I don't like people as, so I make sure I'm the opposite."

He smiled and motioned to my shoulder, "Speaking of which, how are you?"

I looked down at my sling, "It's okay. I keep, like, rolling over in my sleep and then waking up because I'm leaning on it by accident. It's fine, though."

I felt a pair of lips against my cheek, "What was that?" I asked.

"You're also the strongest person I know." He said, sitting at the bench we met on, and I sat down next to him.

I smiled, and I didn't even know what to say. I'm not used to all of these compliments actually.

"You're the sweetest person I know." I said, turning to face him.


"Because you give me a million compliments and I never know how to react." I answered.

He smiled, "There's countless things about you I could compliment you on. I'll save them for later. A compliment a day."

"That's less overwhelming." I laughed, and his smile was the brightest I've ever seen on him.

"I'm so glad I met you right here, not that long ago." He pointed to the bench and squeezed my hand.

"I'm glad too, Harry. I really needed someone like you, you have no idea."

"I have an idea. Because I need someone like you." He looked up from our hands and up at me.

I grinned when I saw his emerald eyes look in mine. "Em." He said suddenly.

"Harry." I giggled.

"Are we a thing now?"

I raised my eye brows, "A thing? Really?" I laughed.

"I don't know what to say!" He said defensively.

"How about you ask me out?"

"Maybe I don't want to ask you out." He smirked.

"Shut up and do it, you dork."

He playfully rolled his eyes, "Will you be my girlfriend, Emily?"

"Yes, Harry." I sighed in relief, pressing my lips to his.
In school, I got a million questions about how I hurt my shoulder. My answer was that I simply hit a pothole and fell off my bike.

I was glad the day was over, and I went to my bike, struggling to start moving with only one arm.

"You need help?" I heard Liam's voice above me.

"Um, I should be fine. I did it this morning." I answered awkwardly.

He held both ends of the bike to steady me, "Start pedaling."

I did what he said and surprisingly it worked, and I was going straight. "Thank you!" I called out, grateful that I didn't have to talk to him for too long.

I pulled into Hannah's driveway to wait for her. She promised me she'd help me with homework because I was struggling.

"Hey Em!" I heard her call out the window. She got out and I saw Niall get out too.

"You really had to bring him? Hannah I'm going to fail class because you're making out with him instead of helping me." I whined.

"Fine, then. I'm not wanted here, I'll go to Harry's." Niall said, looking dramatically offended.

A smile suddenly made its way onto my face. "Whipped much? Let's go inside." Hannah pulled me in and Niall started walking down the street.

"So, did you ever talk to Harry last night?" Hannah asked, pulling out her books.

"Yeah, actually. We're dating now." I said.

"What?" She suddenly screamed, "Why don't you tell me these things?" She tugged on my arm.

"I didn't have the chance!"

"Em, this means we can go on double dates, yay!" She exclaimed, probably even more excited about this than I am.

I rolled my eyes, "Not if I drown in F's in math."


"Get it now?" Hannah asked, finishing the last algebra problem.

"Yeah and it feels nice not being in the dark anymore." I answered, putting my papers away.

I turned on my phone, because I keep it off while I did my math homework. I get distracted without it buzzing at me enough already.

I had a missed call and a text from Harry.

From Harry:
Can we do something later?

I started to reply but the door burst open, revealing Niall and Harry.

"He was whining about you not answering his texts so I brought him here." Niall said, looking annoyed.

I stood up and walked to them, "You're the one who follows your girlfriend around like a lost puppy." I said to Niall and walked past him to Harry.

"Hi." He said smiling, kissing my cheek. I smiled and turned around to see Niall and Hannah staring at us.

"What?" Harry asked, putting an arm around my waist.

"I lost the bet." Niall pouted.

"What bet?" I asked.

Hannah smirked, "We bet on when you two would date. I win."
So short chapters but more frequent now?? I'm trying to finish soon so I can focus on Black Coffee and I have other ideas!

I know that before I said Secrets was almost over but I lied oops. I forgot that I hate chapters written but not published so I got confused and realized I'm farther in the story than you guys are, sorry!!


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