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^^When I found that photo, I started cracking up, and I still haven't stopped laughing...

Emily's POV

I walked over next to him to take a picture. He held out his phone to take a picture using the timer. He set it for three seconds, and when it got down to one, he turned his head and kissed my cheek.

I was surprised but I didn't say anything as he looked at the pictures. "Ew I look awful, you caught me off guard." I whined.

"You look perfect." He smiled to himself, setting it as his lock screen. I smiled as he examined his lock screen, and smiled at it.

"Um," He coughed and put his phone in his pocket, "We should go somewhere." He said smiling.

"Where?" I asked him.

"Good question. I have no idea." He said, and then got his keys.

He grabbed my hand and pulled me outside and to his car. He opened the passenger door for me and I slid in, and then he got in the drivers seat.

"Alright, I have an idea." He said to himself, pulling out onto the street.

"What is it?" I asked him.

"You'll see in a second." He said, looking for a sign or something.

He pulled into what looked like a roller rink. "Oh god no. No, no, no, I'm awful at this." I said.

He laughed, "Then I'll teach you." He said, stopping the car. The wink sealed the deal for me, and I got out as well.

I followed him in and he got both of us skates. And how he guessed my shoe size, I have no idea.

I put them on and started to tie them, "Allow me." Harry said, and crouched down to tie both of them.

I laughed at his cute gestures and stood up, having to hold onto his shoulder for balance.

"Come on, let's go." He laughed at me and snaked an arm around my waist as we entered the rink.

A group of 10 year olds raced past us. "How is a 10 year old better at this than I am?" I asked.

"You're just terrible at balancing." He said, then started skating, while pulling me along.

I squealed as he pretended to let me go but didn't, keeping a tight, firm arm around my waist. I think he was enjoying this just as much as I was.

"Here." He said, holding my hand and skating as fast as he could. I screamed and kept my knees bent so that I could balance.

"See, you can do it." He yelled.

"You're just pulling me along." I laughed.

For the next hour, he kept trying new things, like skating while I was on his back, holding me bridal style, and trying dance moves like spinning me.

We exited the rink laughing. We sat down and untied the skates. I have so much fun with Harry, and we are barely trying.

He brought our skates back to the counter and I put my old shoes on. He held out his hands and I took them to get up.

He didn't let go of one of them as we left, and I smiled, looking down at our hands.

He opened the car door for me and I slid in, the smile not leaving my face. Harry just made me so happy, and I really like him.

I need to kiss him by the end of the day. I'm going to do it. It's the only way for me to go out of my comfort zone and show him how I feel.

He drove me home and we sang along and danced to the music that was blasting out of the radio. We pulled into my driveway and my dad was still gone.

"I'll walk you." He said, smiling. I hoped that this would turn out like it did with Liam, that he would kiss me.

And as we stood on the porch, I think he could tell I wanted to. And I could tell he wanted to.

Which is why I was really surprised when he just hugged me and ran to his car.

Friend zoned? I bet I fooled all of you right there ;)

Anybody notice the night changes reference??

If only my english teacher knew how much I wrote in my free time, she would love me...


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