twenty five

192 11 7

Emily's POV

I turned the knob with my left hand, and let myself in like Hannah instructed me to do.

I slowly walked through the hallway after I shut the door softly. I entered the living room to see the three of them watching television. Niall and Hannah were cuddled up on one and Harry was spread out on another.

"This show sucks." Hannah said to herself.

"Hey! I like this show." Niall pouted.

I smiled at their banter, and walked into the room, sitting down in front of Harry, probably scaring him a bit.

"Oh my god, your shoulder." He said, sitting up.

"My mom made me get it looked at. It's dislocated." I said as he looked at the way it was wrapped.

"So she's okay, then?" He asked.

I took a deep breath, "Yeah. She she said it's like a scalp wound or something. She feels pain and dizziness but it's affecting her whole body." I said, sitting back on the couch.

"Anything about your dad?" Hannah chimed in.

"If he only hit my mom with the bottle, he'd be in jail for five to fifteen years. But he hit me too so that should add more." I said and Harry held my hand reassuringly.

"And you're okay with him being locked up?" She clarified.

"Relieved, actually." I mumbled.

"Good then. Everything is working out." Niall said cheerfully. I smiled at him because he always made everything happier.

"We should do something." Hannah suggested.

"Like what?" Harry asked, and it was obvious that he just wanted to stay home. And I'll admit, I wanted to stay and cuddle with him, but he probably wasn't thinking of it that way either.

Now that I think of it, I really don't know where Harry and I stand. I want to be with him, and he's said he wanted to be with me, but he hasn't officially asked me to be his girlfriend.

"You guys can. I'll just go home." I said, standing up to leave.

"Actually, Emily and I will stay here. You two can do something." Harry said, pulling me back down on the couch.

I smiled slightly to myself, and Hannah and Niall argued over where to go.

"Just flip a coin or something." Harry whined, obviously wanting them to leave.

"Niall, let the lady decide." I said.

"Thank you." Hannah curtsied, then dragged him outside.

"They are..."

"Something." Harry finished for me

I giggled and looked up at him, to see he was already looking at me. My laugh stopped as he leaned in and pressed his lips to mine. I turned so that I could get my sling out of the way, and I put my left arm around his neck, deepening the kiss.

"I forgot my phone- oh." Hannah said before giggling. She grabbed her phone and ran out, but she yelled, "Use protection!"

My cheeks flushed to a deep shade of red. Harry just laughed at my reaction so I pushed him off the couch and then spread my legs out so I was laying down and comfortable.

"Hey!" He whined, standing up. "This isn't fair, I can't pick you up or tickle you because I don't want to hurt you."

I smiled at him, "You could just keep kissing me."

"Yeah that's a better option anyway." He said, kneeling down so that he was level with me while I was laying on the couch, and then he kissed me again.

"Harry?" I said, once he took a breath.

"Yeah?" He asked, staying close to my face.

"Why do you think you would hurt me? And I'm not talking about my shoulder." I asked, just wanting to be with him officially.

He smiled slightly at me, "It's what I do. I mess things up."

"Everybody makes mistakes, Harry." I said.

"Not like me, though. I still want to be with you. I can take the risk like you were saying."

"So tell me what it was and I can tell you if it's really as bad as you think."

"I can't Emily." He said, kissing me again.

I turned my head to pull away, "You're scaring me." I looked into his bright green eyes and all I could see was regret and guilt.

"I will ruin everything if I tell you."

"Harry, keeping secrets is what ruins things." I said, pushing him away from me so I could stand up.

I started walking out, but he grabbed my left hand, "Emily, wait."

I looked at him, waiting for him to say it.

"I'm sorry." Was all he said.

I shook my head slightly and took my hand from his, "You're ruining it anyway, Harry."

"I don't want you to know who I really am."

I hate writing fights but :(

so im currently in rowyso pcd because last night was absolutely amazing. hey violet was really good, i didn't really like them before the show but they seem really talented. then 5sos came on and i was crying bc that's all i seem to do nowadays, and they did absolutely amazing, and ashtons big smile made my world a thousand times better and i realized how these boys are going to get me through 1d's break. they won the vma while the concert was happening, and they were so happy and it was just so amazing. comment if you were at pnc too bc it was truly an incredible night.

so im kind of stuck on what to do still for the sequel because I still have black coffee to write and more people like that than secrets, so I think I might just end secrets without a sequel, which might end up better, but I'm not totally sure. I still have to think about it.

Updates may be slow because I just started school, but I'm doing my best, and I have chapters written in advance, I just need to edit them!

So please keep reading because my reader number is dropping a lot and it makes me v v sad :((

-megan 💜

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