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^squad goals

I got 99 reads on the last chapter...close enough ahah

this chapter will be even better because all three of these babes are in it so enjoy :)))

Emily's POV

I woke up the next morning and smiled at the memory of last night. Liam was really sweet, and we had a lot of fun together. The end just got a little awkward.

I got his number, so I will most likely be seeing him again soon. I got a text from Hannah that said, 'You never came back last night! I NEED the details! Come over at 1.' I rolled my eyes but agreed, and I sluggishly got out of bed.

I got ready and then went down to eat breakfast. My dad was there, and he ignored me like usual.

I did the same and took cereal into my room. I spend most of my time in there so I'm used to it. After I finished, I put my bowl in the sink downstairs and then went out to my bike.

I got on and pedaled to Hannah's. When I passed Harry's house I saw three people there. I recognized them as Harry, Niall and Liam.

Shit, they know each other.

"Emily is that you?" I heard Niall's voice and then I heard Harry say, "You know her?"

I turned around and went up the driveway towards them, trying not to be rude.

"Hey Emily!" Liam said enthusiastically, embracing me.

Niall said to Harry, "This is the girl that my date brought for Liam. They seemed to have a lot of fun since they didn't come back to the movies?" Niall said wiggling his eyebrows at us, and I shot a glare at him.

"Speaking of Hannah, I have to go-"

"You should call her and she can hang with us!" Niall said, with a hopeful look in his eyes.

I smiled, "You two are so cute, how could I say no." I pulled out my phone and called her.

"Hello? Don't cancel on me please I'm so bored." She said.

"How would you like to hang out with a friend of mine, and Liam and Niall?" I asked her.

She squealed, and it was loud enough for Niall to here and he smiled.

I gave her the address and then hung up. Niall grabbed Liam and said, "Let's go get some food!" They ran inside leaving Harry and I alone.

"You and Liam, huh?" He said awkwardly.

"Well, it was a blind date and I just went to help Hannah. I mean he's nice and all but I don't know if I would date him."

"Oh, okay." He said, quickly. "Um. He was talking about asking you out again. Would you say yes?"

"I don't know. Maybe if I did then I would like him more." I finished as Liam and Niall came out with bowl of food.

"You said you liked these didn't you?" Liam said, throwing me a bag of goldfish.

"Yes I did." I smiled, and took some out. Hannah came in her car 5 minutes later.

"Hi!" She said, hugging Niall and he kissed her cheek. I gave her a look and she shook her head at me.

"Harry this is Hannah." I introduced him. Hannah's head whipped over at me because she recognized the name and I ignored her to play it off.

"I was just crushing Niall and Harry at basketball. Wanna join my team Emily?" He asked.

"I'll basically give away your lead." I said, declining the offer, and I sat on the grass next to Hannah.

"That's okay, I'm sure you're amazing." He said, taking my hands and pulling me up.

"Why doesn't Hannah have to?" I whined, taking the ball he was holding out to me.

"Because that's Niall's job." He smiled, then made me go onto the driveway.

"Good luck getting past me." Harry said, guarding me.

"Shut up and go easy on me." I whined again.

"Not sure I can do that." He smirked and stood really close to me, making my heart beat faster.

I faked a pass to the right and then passed to Liam on the left and he shot and it went in.

"Hah!" I laughed in Harry's face. He shook his head and laughed at me.

I started again and tried to dribble around Harry and tripped over his foot.

He wrapped his arms around my waist from behind and caught me, pulling me back up.

"You might want to watch where you're going." He said smirking at me, and our faces were inches away.

"Maybe you should watch where you put your feet." I said, then quickly ran around him and shot, and it even surprised me when I made it in.

I laughed even harder in Harry's face, and I couldn't help but think that we were flirting with each other.

Wait, I totally forgot that Liam was the one who asked me to play. I looked over at him and he seemed fine, just not as happy as before.

My phone started ringing and my mom was calling me. "Sorry one second." I said to them and picked up the phone at the end of the driveway.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hi Emily, can you stay at Hannah's tonight?" She said, rushed.

"What, why? Is everything okay?" Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Harry's head snap in my direction.

"Everything is fine." She said, then hung up the phone.

I stared at it for a couple minutes, trying to figure out what was going on.

"Everything okay?" I heard Harry ask me.

I looked up and saw that he was right in front of me. I realized the other boys were listening so I just said, "Yeah, family stuff." But Harry still stared at me when the other two went back to playing.

"Don't ask me what's going on because I have no idea." I whispered to Harry, then walked around him to Hannah.

I asked her if I could stay and she didn't hesitate to say yes. Hannah and I decided to leave, and Liam hugged me as I left.

"Text me okay? You have my number right?" He smiled.

My eyes flashed over to Harry and I saw that he was watching us and what I was about to say. I smiled and nodded and then walked to my bike and followed Hannah to her house.

Poor Harry :(

Sorry these chapters are boring! They will get better soon :)


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