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Emily's POV

We arrived at the cute little park in only twenty minutes, which wasn't very long in my opinion. I enjoyed the comfortable silence the whole time and the warmth of Harry's hand engulfing mine. I couldn't help but smile the whole way there because I was so happy, and I could feel Harry's gaze on me almost the whole time.

"Here we are." Harry said, once we reached a big fountain in the middle of the park.

"This place is so nice, why isn't it busy?" I asked, looking around.

"More during the day than now." Harry answered simply, pulling out a chair to one of the small round tables for me to sit at. I sat down and thanked him, and he sat across from me.

He reached under the table and pulled out a picnic basket, wiggling his eyebrows at me. I laughed at the cliche aspect of the whole thing, but I loved it so much at the same time.

"Happy one month anniversary baby." He said softly, and opened up the basket, distributing the food. I couldn't do anything but smile, and it felt as if my grin was spreading wider than ever before.

"Harry?" I asked as he put down the plates.

"Yeah?" He said quietly. He's always a quiet guy, but it felt like he was whispering, and it was giving me a weird feeling.

"Why is your leg shaking?" It shook the legs of the table, which is why I noticed it, and I couldn't help but ask because he was making me nervous.

"I just get really nervous around you Em, I don't know. I feel like you're so perfect that everything has to be just as perfect." He said, stuttering through the whole thing.

I bit my lip, unsure of what to say. These compliments are just overwhelming. I stood up and went to the other side of the table where he sat. I sat on the edge of his chair so we were sharing it, and pressed a firm, slow kiss on his cheek. "Everything you do for me is perfect Harry," I wrapped my arms around his torso and he wrapped one around my shoulders, kissing the top of my head softly, "and you just gave me a second compliment."

"No that wasn't the second one!" He exclaimed. I shook my head at him and couldn't wipe the grin off my face. He just makes me so happy I don't know how to deal with it.

The faint chirping of birds and the light breeze was the background sound of our little moment of silence. It was a comfortable silence, just like everything else is with him. Comfortable.

"Let's eat?" Harry mumbled into my hair as he held me.

"You know how much I love food but I think I'd even rather just stay like this." I said into his chest, so my words were probably muffled.

"Are you sick or something?" He asked, giggling to himself.

"No. Just really, really happy." I whispered, but I knew he could hear because he whispered as well.

"I'm on top of the world with you, baby."

We finally ended up eating that night, even though some of the food was flung at each other because of our light banter with one another.

"Here we go." Harry said, standing up suddenly.

"Are we leaving?" I asked, standing up from my seat.

"No, just sit right here." He said, moving my chair in another position, facing the fountain.

He suddenly stood up on the edge of the fountain. "What the hell are you doing?" I laughed at him.

"Emily, we came here today because I have a confession to make." He said, loud and confidently.

I waited silently and anxiously for him to continue, and I could feel him trying to put all of the thoughts together in his head.

"Emily, ever since I've met you, I've had butterflies in my stomach constantly. And I wish those damn butterflies would stop because they kind of tickle," I almost rolled my eyes at him but ended up laughing at him just being himself. He paced on the rim of the fountain, making it very dramatic, "Anyway, being with you is also the best feeling in the world, and I wouldn't trade that feeling for anything else. When I met you that night, even though I didn't know you, the sight of you crying just broke my heart and I knew I had to do something. I could tell you only told me everything because you figured you'd never see me again, but in my mind all I could think was how much I was hoping I would see you again." He paused, gathering up his thoughts while my vision fogged up and I realized there were tears in my eyes.

Harry's speech about his feelings is making me realize how much I care about him. I smiled at that, but I felt a tear roll down my cheek. Luckily he couldn't see it from where he was because he was higher up. Plus he was so wrapped up in this speech and you could tell by the smile he had on his face.

"I believe the other night, I did something rather embarrassing. I almost uttered three words to you totally out of the blue, and over the phone." He continued.

My heartbeat sped up when I realized what he was going to say.

"Emily Lynch, I'm in love with you." He spread his arms out as if he was soaking in the fact he finally said it. I covered my mouth with my small hand as another tear rolled down my cheek, because the happiness was just so overwhelming.

"Oh my God Harry," I stood up and walked towards him, "I love-" I was cut off with a burst of water in my face.

He fell in.

I smiled, that's the dorky klutz I love.

this is officially my favorite chapter so far, and it's not over yet obviously because Harry's secret is yet to he revealed!!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2016 ⏰

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