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^^how could you ever choose between them like omfg.

Emily's POV

I honestly didn't expect a message from Liam tonight. Only Harry, but that didn't happen.

From Liam:
I'm breaking up with you. It might sound harsh over text but it's nowhere near as bad as what you've done to me. Hopefully I've served my purpose and now Harry is jealous enough to like you. Maybe one day we can be friends, but I have to get over this first. Don't reply to this. I don't want a sorry message, I just want to be alone right now.

I almost dropped my phone. How would he know I was using him?

Harry. He told him. He fucking told him.

All I needed was time. To find a way to let Liam down easy, because he didn't deserve to be hurt. But Harry ruined that, and broke Liam's heart.

I was so mad that I actually put on my shoes and marched over there to his house, banging on the door.

"Why would you tell Liam?" I asked right when he opened the door, crossing my arms.

"I didn't, actually. He saw the text." He responded. I looked up at his face and almost gasped.

"Did Liam do that to you?" I asked, and on instinct, I brought a hand to his face and stroked his bruise with my thumb. His face softened and he nodded.

"Emily, he was really upset. You should talk to him." He said pulling my hand away from his face, "You're not making it any better for him by being here."

"He already broke up with me. He doesn't want me to talk to him." I said quietly, kicking a rock off of the front porch.

"He already went to your house? Damn." He said.

"No it was a text." I said, looking back up at him.

"Seriously? That's awful." He said, referring to Liam's way of breaking up with me.

"No it's not. I deserved it." I whispered.

"Do you want to come in?" He asked, holding the door open wider, but glancing nervously upstairs. I ignored that and walked in, letting him shut the door behind me.

"I honestly thought I liked him. But it took me until you found out I was with him, for me to realize that I didn't." I said, sitting next to him at the counter, "He deserves someone better than me. He was too nice and perfect and I just mess everything up." I said feeling like covering my face in shame.

Harry stopped my arm from coming into contact with my face. He loosened his grip slightly and let his hand slide down my arm, and then he made it to my hand, intertwining our fingers.

"Does it make you feel like he's less perfect if he punched me in the face?" He asked, lightening the mood.

I smiled, "No, not really. It confirms it actually because I'm the reason he did that to you." I answered.

"You aren't the only one, Em." He said, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. "I make loads of huge mistakes." He whispered.

"Like what?" I asked, trying to ignore how close we were. His right hand was holding mine, on the counter while his other hand rested on my cheek.

"We'll get to that later." He whispered, bringing his face even closer to mine. He waited for me to close the space, making sure that I wanted to kiss him.

And of course I did.

I connected my lips to his, and brought my free hand to his arm, then slid my hand up to his hand that was on my cheek, grabbing it.

As we kissed, he held both of my hands, rubbing circles on the back of them with his thumbs. When he pulled away, he was still only inches away from my face.

I brought my mouth up to his bruise that was directly under his eye, and kissed it softly, then rested my forehead against his.


RIP Lemily 💔 sorry Lemily shippers, it had to be done.

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