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remember to read the last chapter first!! some people missed it :)

so I changed the chapter title to real numbers instead of decimals because I didn't like it anymore! don't get confused, haha.

Emily's POV

I woke up to my alarm again the next morning and I was already officially done and bored with school. Luckily, we only have a 3 day week this week because we started on Wednesday.

I got up, got dressed again, and did my normal morning routine. I realized that with my mom gone, I will pretty much be alone. My dad is sleeping when I wake up, and he's at work really late, and I'm usually asleep by the time he gets home.

Which I am totally fine with. But it would be nice to have a family to help me with college applications.

I noticed it was almost 7:40 so I went outside to wait for Liam. It was so beautiful out and I didn't want fall to start. I love the warm weather and I absolutely hate the cold.

Liam's car pulled up soon after I went out there, and I ran to his car and got in quickly.

"Hey!" I said, kissing his cheek.

"Hey why are you so happy?" He asked, skeptically.

"Because tomorrow is Friday and I am already done with school." I complained.

"Well I have something to make it better, maybe? A date tomorrow night?" He asked.

"Yep and I pay." I said before he could object.

He groaned and pulled out of my driveway and toward the school.

"Only for one date, okay?" He said.

"If it makes you sleep at night then yes." I answered. He shook his head at me. He was such a generous person, that he could barely make me pay for one date. But it was cute to say the least.

He parked the car at the school and we both got out, holding each others hands as we walked in.

And then the day went on just like the last, until 4:30 pm.

The doorbell rang and I pulled my earphones out and walked to the door, opening it.

I was surprised to see Harry on my doorstep. In fact it was the last person I would expect to be there.

"Oh, hey Harry." I said, smiling.

"Uh hey." He said smiling, "I feel like I haven't seen you in forever." He said, stepping in when I held open the door wider for him.

"Yeah me too and it's only been a couple of days." I said, laughing at how ridiculous it sounded.

"I had a lot of fun rollerskating with you that time." He said, smiling.

"Really? I mean, yeah me too." I said, catching myself.

"Why didn't you think I did?" He asked.

"I don't know, you didn't really seem to into it when you dropped me off and then you didn't talk to me at all since." I said, calmly, hoping I didn't give away the fact that I was expecting him to kiss me.

"Oh yeah. About that. I was wondering if I could have a do over date tomorrow?" He asked.

Oh so he did consider it a date. Shit.

"I um. I already kind of have a date tomorrow." I said awkwardly, and pretending to be interested in my shoes.

"With who?" He asked quietly.

"Um, Liam. We are going out now." I said tentatively.

"Oh, I didn't know. I'm sorry." He said, walking towards the door.

"Now I'm sorry, I should've told you already." I said.

"No Emily it's really fine. You two are really good for each other. And Liam is kind of obsessed with you." He said with a smile on his face, and I didn't know why that filled me with disappointment. It seemed like he was fine with it, so shouldn't that make me happy?

"Oh um yeah. He's really sweet." I said, awkwardly.

"Uh bye Em." He said, closing the door behind him.

Damn. I have to stop being so awkward.

Uh oh... he knows :0

So has your ship changed? Lemily or Hemily? Comment!!


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