twenty one

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sorry I haven't updated in a while guys! I started reading this Harry fanfic and I got addicted and totally forgot that I had my own story to update wow.

sorry for being an idiot, hope you enjoy, it's pretty long !!

Harry's POV

I woke up the next morning with a smile. Today was the day I get to try again. With Emily.

I looked at the clock and almost groaned, why was it 6:30 am? It was like last year all over again. Why was I up if that time was over?

Then the doorbell rang again, and I got up and answered it. It revealed Liam, and I was surprised.

"Liam, I know we need to talk but could it wait until later when I'm awake?" I asked.

"No. It can't." He said, letting himself in.

"So, now you and Niall have turned on me, for a girl that used me? I thought you two were better than that!" He yelled. I hushed him, motioning upstairs and he understood.

"I bet you haven't told her, have you?"

"Told her what?" I asked.

"What do you think?" He asked. My shoulders sank because I was ashamed of my self. "Wow. Now I'm not going to tell her just to fuck up your relationship, but how could you do that? You know how mad she will be at you? Not only for what you did but because you hid it for so long?" He exclaimed but in a hushed tone.

"I'm waiting for the right time, okay? Liam this whole thing is turning you into someone else. I met her first and I didn't act like this when you two were together, so you shouldn't either." I said, thinking about what I planned to say to him the next time I saw him.

"But she didn't use you." He said, a hurt expression on his face.

"Liam, she feels terrible. She didn't even realize she was doing it at first. She said yes to you because she genuinely thought she liked you." I said, trying to lighten up the situation.

"Bullshit. I bet she knew the whole time and that's why she texted me to go on a date. I bet you she was hoping to run into you while we were out too."

"Wait, she texted you? When?" I asked, confused about the part she left out.

"Like four weeks ago?" He said.

"Was it on a Sunday night?" I asked him, figuring it out.

"Well she texted me on a Saturday night, and the date was Sunday."

She asked him out the night of our date. Why would she do that? Did she not enjoy it at all?

Emily's POV

Right as the clock struck seven, the doorbell rang. I smiled and ran down the stairs, carefully not missing one. I picked up my bag and put my phone inside before opening the door.

Harry's mouth twitched up to a smile right when he saw me, and mine did the same. "Hi." I said, quietly but loud enough for him to hear.

His smile grew wider, "Hey Em." He said, and extended a hand out to me.

I reached out to take it and I'm not going to be cheesy and say I felt a spark when we touched, but something else happened.

I don't know what it was, but once we touched hands, we both looked up at each other, our eyes softened and my smile did as well.

I bit my lip as I snapped out of whatever it was, and then losed the door behind me and walked on the front path with him.

"So I didn't know exactly what you had planned so I hope this is fine." I said, motioning to my outfit that was casual but still nice enough to be in a restaurant.

"Don't worry about it, you look amazing." He said, smiling down on me, making me turn away, blushing.

"I would ask you what we were doing, because the curiosity is killing me, but I know you won't tell me." I said as I sat in the passengers seat of his car and he he sat down in the drivers seat.

"Yeah, I guess you know me pretty well." He said with a grin on his face as he pulled out of the driveway.

"I feel like I don't."

"Why do you think that? I'm an open book, love." He said, glancing over at me quickly but keeping his focus on the road.

I just shrugged and looked out of the window. I feel like I'm never in cars actually, since I just use my bike to get everywhere.

"So, Hannah called me today." He said suddenly.

"Really?" I asked, surprised.

"She needed to know the details on what was happening." He said, smiling at me.

I laughed a little, "She needs to know everything in order to fall asleep at night."

"Yeah she told me she would hold Niall hostage until I promised not to hurt you."

"And you did?"

"Well I promised, and then told her to keep him anyway." He said, pulling into a parking lot of a plaza with multiple places in it.

"Poor Niall." I said, referring to how it is to spend only a couple days with Hannah, it's chaotic.

"Anything to get him off of my hands. Thank god he got a girlfriend. He used to be at my house 24/7." He said, opening my door for me. I laughed softly and got out, and I felt him grab my hand again, causing me to smile down at my feet as they slapped the pavement.

I realized we were walking into the same place that Liam and I ate at for the double date.

"Oh god." I said out loud by accident.

"What?" He said, panicked.

"Oh sorry. Didn't mean to say that out loud." I pulled him forward again but he stayed still in the middle of the parking lot.

"Do you not like pizza? Because there's-"

"No Harry, this place is really good, it's just a coincidence that goes along with it." I said, finally pulling him forward to a walk again.

"What is that?" He asked.

"Um, Liam and I came here the day we met. He said he comes here every Friday night so I'm hoping he's breaking his ritual tonight." I said.

"I would take you somewhere else instead but I don't know anywhere else good around here."

I smiled, "It's fine. As long as you're okay with maybe another punch."

"Hey, gotta even out the color of my eyes, right?" He joked.

"That's always important." I said as we entered the room, and I scanned it for Liam. Thankfully, he either hasn't shown up or already came.

I heard Harry breath a sigh of relief, and I laughed at him, "You seem more relieved than I am."

"That's because he came to talk today. At six in the morning, may I add." He mumbled.

"Was everything okay?"

"Yeah he was just mad. He thought I turned Niall against him because he isn't on his side anymore."

"Oops that was sort of me." I chimed in.

"Yeah I know." He grinned down at me. We sat down and got our drinks.

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