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title is four af

Dying because it says David Beckham right next to Liam's head asdfjsksjss.

And omf this picture is hot.

Anyways, enjoy because these two babes are in this chapter:)))

Emily's POV

I put my bike in Hannah's garage and then walked in the back door.

"Hey." I said, smiling at her.

"Are you okay? You're late." She said, putting the last bowl in the dishwasher.

"Oh I ran into a friend." I said, and I found myself blushing. I put my bag down on the couch.

"Oh my god, it's a guy isn't it." She said, wiggling her eyebrows.

"Shut up. His name is Harry, I just met him like a week ago." I mumbled, looking down. There was something about Harry that was really attractive. Besides his good looks. Maybe because he was so open to listening to my problems. I don't know, but I find myself smiling at the thought of him.

"Love at first sight?" She said, making me snap out of my thoughts.

I slapped her arm to make her stop and then sat down on her couch. I told her everything that happened in my house the past few days, leaving out the Harry part.

"So who's this guy you met?" I asked her.

"Oh yeah!" She squealed, sitting up.

"His name is Niall and he's adorable." She said excitedly.

"Does he like you?" I asked.

"I think so. He asked me out on a double date and that is what I was going to ask you. He has a friend and I have a friend," She winked at me, "And I'm really nervous about this and I don't want to go alone so can you please-"

"Okay I'll come." I sighed, stopping her rambling.

"Great! Let's go get ready!" She said.

"Wait it's tonight?" I asked.

"Yeah in an hour, lets go!" She said.

"Thanks for the warning." I mumbled to myself, not loud enough for her to hear. I love her, but sometimes she's just too energetic for me.

She dragged me upstairs and into her room, picking out an outfit for both of us. She forced me to let her do my hair and makeup and then we were on our way.

"Where are we even going?" I asked.

"The movies! I thought it was perfect because I wouldn't have to talk and embarrass myself." She said, making me laugh.

"Works for me." I said as we pulled out of her street. We passed Harry's house and I found myself watching the serene home. I wonder if he lives on his own or not. I wonder if he thinks about me as much as I think about him?

Suddenly, Hannah squealed. "There they are!" She jumped out of the car and ran to the blonde boy, Niall, hugging him. I followed but not as fast, and saw my blind date.

He had brown hair and a gorgeous smile, and I smiled back. "Emily, this is Liam. Liam, this is Emily." Niall and Hannah introduced us.

Niall and Hannah walked inside and Liam and I followed behind.

"How much do you want to bet that they just make out the whole movie?" Liam whispered to me.

I giggled, "Nothing, because you're probably right." We laughed together and caught up to them.

When Niall and Hannah chose the back row, Liam and I smiled knowingly at each other.

"I have an idea. Let's leave these love birds to their kissing and we go somewhere ourselves." Liam said.

He seemed nice enough, so I said yes. Liam told the other two that we would be back by the end of the movie, and then we left.

"So what are we going to do?" I asked as we got into his car.

"Can we eat? Niall was so nervous that he refused to go out to eat." He said, he said smiling.

I thought that was adorable, that Niall felt the same way about Hannah that she feels about him, "That sounds great."

He drove across the plaza that the movie theater was in, to get to the pizzeria. We went inside and he held the door for me, which I found very sweet of him. We sat across from each other.

We talked and got to know each other, but I didn't feel comfortable to tell him about my parents, like I felt with Harry.

We were the only two in there, it was pretty deserted. I caught him looking at me and smiling a few times. One time I said, "What?" While I blushed.

"You're just really beautiful." He said in interest. I blushed again and looked down because no one has ever said that to me before. "Thank you." I whispered, playing with a napkin that was on the table.

He paid for both of us and we realized that we talked for so long that the movie was probably over by now.

"I'll drive you home." He said, but I think he was glad that this happened. I smiled and thanked him. We got in his car again.

"So tell me about your family." He said sweetly.

"Uh, well I'm an only child. My family is pretty boring." I lied, because my family was no where near boring. "What about yours?" I asked, getting the subject off of me.

"Two sisters. Trust me, you're lucky." He said laughing, and I faked a laugh because I wasn't lucky.

I told him my address when he got closer. "Oh my friend lives on your street." He said, remembering where it is.

He pulled into my driveway and I saw my dad was home and almost groaned out loud.

"Thanks for everything." I said, opening the door.

"I'll walk you up." He said, getting out as well.

He put a hand on my back as he walked me up. He stopped me before I went in.
"You know, I was kind of scared when Niall told me that his date would bring a girl for me, but you turned out a lot different then I thought you would." He said, leaning in. I let him lean in, unsure if I really wanted to kiss him or not. Once his lips met mine, I did the nice thing and kissed back. But it wasn't that I would never want kiss him. Because he really was so sweet and cute. I just wasn't sure if I wanted that or not.

"Thanks again." I said quickly and then ran inside, probably leaving him confused. I took a deep breath when I got inside and then ran into my room.

lol this was so awkward it's like me on a date :)))

I wouldn't know cause I've never been on one oops


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