His captors eyes

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Third person pov
It was a foggy Monday morning .
Harry was dreading his life decisions he was in the form of a black kitten walking in the shadows,but all of the sudden he was picked up and he let out a yowl of surprise when he looked up he saw his captors eyes and he couldn't believe it he was starting to think he was a bad luck charm because he recognized those eyes.

His stomach started having the familiar feeling of butterflies and he didn't like it because his "uncle" has always said that 'liking people of the same sex is wrong and need to be fixed'

(I am NOT  apart of lgbtq BUT  I am a HUGE supporter because you can love who you want to and you shouldn't have to say sorry to anyone so it you want someone to talk or to vent to please do message me and I WILL  LISTEN and help as much as I can I have helped some of my friends and I will help you guys to if you want☺️VIRTUAL HUG 🤗)

Harry let out a yowl of disagreement when he was carried towards the Slytherin common rooms . He started wiggling to try and get free but he only received a change in position in return so he gave up,and started thinking of ways to escape since he has to get to Pansy&Theo at lunch.

But along the way he fell asleep 💤

when Harry woke up he was still in the arms of his captor just in the common room filled with people staring at him. Out of surprise he jumped right onto his captors head, onto a bookshelf, onto the lampshade (on the ceiling)

Harry got too scared to come down so he stayed grabbing to the lamp for his life .

In the end Snape had to get Harry down who cuddled into his embrace as a thanks and the ran out of the common room at the speed of lightning. The common room stared at the spot where the kitten was seconds ago and sigh in sadness at the loss of the kitten.

While running as fast as he can he realized he already missed his first classes of the morning and that lunch was in 30 min so he ran to the meeting place

Why is online school so tiering? I honestly feel so terrified at the fact my junior cert is this year🤦‍♀️I fucked up
Love y'all also I'm sorry it's late....

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