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Draco and pansy have been worried because I told them that my head hurts a bit . Blaise and Daphne have been giving me looks of pity and I just snapped .
I turned around sharply and yelled "stop it or I swear to Merlin and Salazar I will hex you guys into next year!"
I turned back causing me to get a dizzy spell and I can tell the others noticed  but I just continued walking , I walked straight over to Astoria and sat down next to her she's like a complete copy of Hermione but unlike Hermione she puts down her book when spoken to .
"Hey Tori"
"Hey har"
The others joined us I just need a break .... wait that's it!
The mail came and Hedwig gave me the daily prophet t thanked her and told her to wait a second I took out a piece of paper and  quil and wrote down.

Dear Ms.Mcgonnagal 
May I go to Hogsmead with a couple of my friends to have a bit of a break from the stress of school  so we could do better in our studies
Yours sincerely

I rolled it up and gave it to her but didn't tie it to her leg and whispered to her to drop it off to Mcgonnagle 
And watched her fly of and drop it in front of Mcgonnagle  she gave a minute nod Snape saw the transaction and gave me an accusing stare I just shrugged it off and stood up .

Ron's pov
Harry came into the hall relatively annoyed and sat down then looked like he had the best idea in the world after that I stopped paying attention until, he stood up and walked over to the Ravenclaw table and whispered something to Mione I'm not gonna lie I felt a bit jealous then as he walked away  mione whispered something to Luna .

Harry came over and grabbed me and Neville and started dragging us out of the hall he told us to wait there and then he came back with an annoyed Astoria . We waited awhile in awkward silence ,Until Mione and Luna came then we started following Harry in confusion until we were outside the castle he turned around and said "I got us a day in Hogsmead !"

Worst chapter I have ever written but it's a filler chapter and I am stoked with the amount of reads I'm getting!
Next chapter will be longer!

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