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I woke up with a jolt, I was being shaken awake as if I was a maraca and I did not like it one bit.

Growling at my shaker, whom I found out was Hermione after my brain stopped shaking and I managed to put my glasses on, I looked around only to be met with a stern looking Hermione and the sun rising outside the window.

Groggily I turned to Hermione and gave her a questioning look to which she let out an exasperated sigh and started questioning me on why I was sleeping here while also sneaking in a lecture on how it's bad for me to be sleeping on the couch, not wanting to start my day in a bad mood I stood up and went to my room completely disregarding Hermione's protests.

Opening the door I'm met with a room full of sleeping roomates, not wanting to disturb them I change into a pair of jeans and a oversized black hoodie with the words , "social battery low , DO NOT Engage" in a bold red , with a barely charged battery underneath it.

Leaving the room, I close the door quietly, completely forgetting to close the curtains around my bed aswell as leaving Ron a note on where to find me. Hopefully that won't come back to bite me.

I sneak down the stairs knowing if Hermione saw me , she'd not leave my side and u really wasn't in the mood to encounter twice in one morning, especially if I have the opportunity to avoid it.

I sat by the Black Lake, in a hidden Alcove Sirius told me about before he died at the hands of his cousin.

Hidden from my troubles, I finally let all the tension leave my body , only after I realised I was truly alone.

As I sat there, contemplating whether my current situation would get better or worse, a blue whisp came towards me, I feared the possibility of Hermione's voice, luckily it was only a very grumpy and sleepy Ron.

"Honestly mate, not even a note, how could you! You told me we'd avoid the tragedy known as our life together, how dare you leave me to deal with all that is life, by myself!?.... please don't leave me alone the whole DAY , pleeeeeaaase."

I laughed at the end , he was practically whining, I don't blame him tho.... I did promise we'd avoid life and our troubles together this year, I can't believe I forgot to write a note!, OH NO, shit I better get get back to him before something irreversible happens.

Sighing a sigh of regret , I get up , dust myself off, and leave my safe haven, into a horrible place called the world. Suddenly I felt a sense of urgency and started sprinting towards the castle.

Oh boy do I regret it. 


Why did I make everyone's life harder than necessary?

Why didn't I stay dead during the war?

Why was I so stupid.....


😅Hey 👋  I'm sorry for not being very active but I'm trying my best under the circumstances I have a bug I also feel so bad for letting you guys down🥺 especially when you guys are always so nice!

I know this chapter is short but I honestly don't think I could have made it longer, otherwise the next chapter would make zero sense.


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