"The world simply dimmed..."

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After about an hour of Me and Ron staring at the ceiling and talking about random stuff,the rest of our roommates eventually trickled in only to see me and Ron act completely stoned, even though we aren't... well at least at the moment we aren't.

They gave us some strange questioning looks but never talked to us,eventually, it was time for dinner. As Neville asked us if we were coming down to the Great Hall for dinner I looked over to Ron asking the silent question 'do you wanna go',it felt like we had that moment that all women do when they have a conversation with their eyes,we both simultaneously said "No thank you Neville,we're not in the mood",we looked at each other in shock,'did we really just do that?'.

While the others in the room were shocked into silence, because since when did Ron say no to food? Neville very slowly walked out of the room backwards as if he were trying to walk away from a prowling tiger.
Theo followed shortly after,while Blaise and Draco gave us criticising looks,we ignored them, hoping they'd just go have dinner, but did they? No, they did not.

They both walked towards us,Draco sat on the edge of my bed,not wanting to fully Invade my private space while Blaise sat considerably closer to Ron. I looked at Ron questioningly, but he was too busy staring at me questioningly.

Neither of us knew what they were up to. When Blaise started speaking to Ron in a hushed voices, he tried to listen in, and I could barely hear his voice,let alone the words he was saying. Draco cleared his throat, causing me to focus on him and completely forget the conversation beside us,"Yes?" I asked sweetly while tilting my head,I wanted to get this over as fast as possible...but deep down, I never wanted it to stop, and I don't know why.

He looked awkward, definitely not acting like the Draco I know and love...you know platonically.

Then I realised, of course, he looks awkward. I haven't really spoken to him since the trials,I mentally face-palmed before concentrating on the blonde in front of me.

"Look Harry I know I know things are tough I'm still here for you, all of us are,I don't know what we did wrong", my eyes reluctantly softened, you did nothing wrong,I'm sorry for not being there for you but I just can't right now, "but life too short,I hope we can become friends again, why don't we go down to eat, or I can bring you a plate up?".

Ugh why do you have to be so sweet right this second you're making me feel bad,I mentally pondered my actions while I absentmindedly nodded.His smile lit up the room in my eyes and my heart soared with joy, then the pesky little memory decided to invade again,my joy dimming to near non existent, the energy was sucked out of me, as if a dementor was nearby. The room darkened as the voices became muffled.

I felt like I was in the hall earlier, except now I could breathe, and there were no flashbacks. The world simply dimmed as did my senses as darkness engulfed me.

Hey guys, can you look at my most recent announcements to understand why I haven't been so active lately? Thank you.

Hope you guys enjoyed it,until next time my lovelies💗

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