Umbitches punishments

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Harry tried to get up with the help of Blaise but staying straight up was a different situation,Harry had collapsed into Draco and Blaise's grip "Jesus Potter you're freezing!"Yelped Draco when Harry finally managed to walk by himself the trio surrounded him to be able to catch him as if he was to fall . After walking for about 10 minuets to the dungeons and stopped at the portrait he said "password or parsltongue is accepted" before any of the trio could say the password Harry hissed "open" the portrait grew a grin before saying "welcome to Slytherin"
The trio just stared in shock and followed Potter inside . Blaise had noticed Potters lack of staring as if he had been in there before and questioned him.
"You don't seem to surprised at it ,Potter"Harry shrugged "that's cause I was here with Ron in second year when we thought Draco was the heir of Slytherin" Harry had said calmly "how!?"pansy shrieked "Oh Hermione brew a polyjuice  potion , me and Ron got some of crabbe and goyles hair and Hermione got one off of Parkinson's Robe only to find out it was her cats hair" Harry gave a small laugh at remembering Hermione  as half cat half human Harry trailed off staring and walking around strangely as if he was in a trance although non of the other three noticed all though other people in the common Room noticed and just glared at him . Back with the trio they were arguing on what to tell potters friends.

Harry's pov

I started to follow the voice since last time I heard a voice it was followed by trouble as usual.
"Those who are close will die~"it whispered
I muttered a shaky " no" 
" all the people u care about will die"
Third person POV
When the last word was said a dementor came out of nowhere and started attacking Harry The Slytherins were all panicking some went to get the teachers some went to hide others were frozen from fear  and got stuck in the spot several tried to help Harry (including the silver Trio)

Hermione's pov
Me and Ron were still looking for Harry when a bunch of Slytherin students were Running down the halls screaming "There is a dementor attacking Harry Potter in the Slytherin common Room , help!!!"

Me and Ron started racing to the Slytherin common Room we were running so fast we could barely feel our feet touch the ground when we got there I ran in only to find that most of the people trying to save Harry was hurt me and Ron ran over to help soon all the teachers except Umbridge came in and started fighting the the dementor while others were helping me and Ron get the other students get out of the common Room after we got them out I felt uneasy and went to sit down but fell and the last thing I saw was Ron running over and held me close as I fainted

Third person pov
Harry was laying on the floor unconscious after the dementor had gone the teachers took all the students to the hospital wing to get healed although the Slytherins were questioned on how Harry was acting before the attack those who noticed how Harry had acted had told the teachers that "it looked like he was in a trance before it happened ,he had muttered a few words or something and then the dementor just came out of nowhere" Ron was starring at Hermione still unconscious
Ron had heard thrashing and heavy breathing from Harry's bed and went over to wake him up , to Ron's surprise Draco also came over to help

Harry jolted up shouting " no , not again I didn't do it I didn't do it"
" You ok mate" Ron asked worried
"O-oh yeah I'm fine Ron" Harry noticed Draco "surprised you two didn't kill each other yet"Harry chuckled glancing at both of them "where is mione" "o-oh u-u-m you see mate she fainted after the attack" Ron said as calmly as he could "where is she" Ron pointed at the bed and faster then the blink of an eye Harry was next to her bed looking full of sorrow and guilt because he knew it was because of him he quickly started walking away Disregarding all the objections and went to his dorm down in the dungeons "see she is hurt because of you the dark lord is coming and won't hold back on killing those you love~" the voice had echoed through his head as he was getting closer to the dungeons he realized he had detention with umbitch the unbearable one so he headed over to her office
Harry's pov
As I walked in I saw a disgustingly pink full of plates with cats on them I stared in astonishment that a room looked like a three year old girls room obsessed with cats and pink he was brought back to reality when he heard Umbridge speaking " you are 5 minuets tardy Mr. Potter u better hope you have a good excuse!" " sorry Ms I was in the hospital wing unconscious until a few minutes ago" I said calmly although still feeling a light dizziness " an extra hour will be added to your detention so you will be writing lines "I must not tell lies" alrighty you can start" pointing to a chair with a sickening pink cushion I sat down and said " I don't have any ink ?" As I was picking up the quillshe said " oh this quill doesn't need ink"with a sickening smile "how many lines?" "until it "sinks" in" I started writing lines the ink looked like blood and at that moment a sharp pain came from his wrist he looked at it and saw " I must not tell lies" being carved into his wrist in his hand writing .

I looked up at a giggling Umbridge and continued writing lines for the two hours and when I was excused I went to the bathroom to hopefully wash away the carving , it didn't work I started walking towards the Griffindore  dorms and then realized he was now a Slytherin... he started walking to the dungeons, hissed at the portrait and walked through the hole only to see the silver Trio waiting for him as soon as they saw me Draco jumped up

Third person pov
Draco jumped up "Where on earth have you been Potter"
" non of your business Malfoy" Harry sneered as a migraine started to creep up on him "Yes Potter it is my business u are now a Slytherin so it is my business" Draco had almost yelled meanwhile Blaise sighed in hope that Draco would calm down as pansy studied Harry when her eyes reached a little bit of blood streaming down to his finger her eyes slowly rises to his wrists and saw something for a second but harry had tugged on his sleeve to hide it as he saw pansy starring at him ,Draco was still yelling when pansy stood up ".........really Potter are you that careless" stops to see pansy slowly walking to Harry "Pansy what are you doing?..."

"what's that potter ..."pointing at his wrist catching the other of the silver Trios interest. Blaise was now standing up walking over the potter seeing that he was hiding an arm

"Non of your business,Parkinson" Harry said hiding his arm a bit to fast for the others liking.

"Show me your wrist now! Potter!" Draco said in a stern but fairly calm voice
"Why exactly should I Malfoy hmm  so I can accept you pretending to care for me like others when they don't see what happens in battle and only see victory or defeat and and congratulate me or tell me I'm a danger like I had asked , for this I think not Malfoy ."

By this time Blaise had went behind and grabbed him when he finished speaking , so that they could find out what he was hiding . Draco had helped Blaise to grab Harry while pansy went over to roll up his sleeve  she gasped at the sight and showed Draco .

"Who did this to you potter"

Hi have a great day or night thank u so much for reading

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