The Hospital Wing Part 2...

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When I opened my eyes, the Hospital wing was dark with only the moonlight to light the room, It took me a couple of seconds to remember what I was doing here. When I remembered I shot up into a sitting position and looked around frantically, once I found the sleeping blonde I sighed in relief and stood up much to my body's protest. I walked over and sat on the chair next to his bed.

I cursed at my fluttering heart; I support lgbtq+ but Uncle Vernon haunts my brain whenever my bi decides to come and torture me. It's weird I support others, but I am homophobic to myself, 'thank you Uncle Vernon' I think bitterly, I turn my attention back to Draco, that asshole doesn't deserve another second of my thoughts. Luckily, Draco doesn't seem to be in pain, but the guilt is slowly breaking me, next thing I know I am crying silent tears, the regrets hitting at the speed of sound, I start whispering "I'm sorry, I am so,so sorry" over and over with some variations like "i am so sorry I never should have used that stupid spell".

Eventually with my exhaustion from crying and the drowsiness from the dreamless sleep potion I was given working together, my eyelids involuntarily started to grow heavy, as I did not want to leave Draco's side, guilt, and fear still on my shoulders I layed my head down on my arm which was laying on Draco's hospital bed and just like that I was out like a light.

~time skip~

As I was being pulled from my slumber I heard hushed whispers, I heard my name, so I reluctantly pulled myself fully from my slumber. When I opened my eyes, I saw that it was Blaise, Theo, Pansy, and Draco who were whispering, I felt my face heat up like magma.

I felt stiff so I attempted to stretch myself. Key word: attempted

But the moment I lifted my left arm I hissed in pain, this brought the attention of the others on to me, which made my face heat up.

"Hi" My voice was high pitched and squeaky like a mouse which made my face redder, which I thought was impossible until now.

All of the sudden the unmistakable voice of Hermione is heard saying "Ron he's disappeared again quick! Get Pomphrey!" I took that as my que to leave.

"bye" was all I squeaked out before I abruptly left the confines of the curtain and headed over to the frantic brunet and worried but mostly sleepy Redhead, "Hey guys," they both turned around almost falling because of the speed of the turn, I watched their worried faces turn from worried to relaxed then a mix of relaxed and concerned.

~mini time skip~

Madam Pomphrey came to do a checkup, before she released me, she gave me a weird look then sent us to breakfast.

The look she gave me made me worried, what if she saw me without some of my glamours! For the rest of the day, I was spacing out my fears consuming me.

Hey guys i am so sorry! i have been really stressed because of school and family problems i promise to upload more often!!! 


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