"come and go room" part 1

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A/n omg I'm so sorry for not writing things came up but I will try and write more consistently I promise!!!




The whole room flinched at the sudden shout Harry even took out his wand a spell on the tip of his tongue before he realised where he was and who he was with.

With a sheepish smile Harry awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck and put his wand away,then faced Hermione with confusion clear on his face he asked "What is it Hermione?why did you shout?".

The whole room was silent , their stubborn curiosity keeping them quiet.

Hermione face palmed sometimes she wonders if the boys have a proper functioning brain,then her brain happily supply's all of the times they have shown their brain power ,reprimanding her for thinking low of them . Honestly it's a continuous conflict that she wishes would end but sometimes the boys actions stir it up unintentionally.

Harry spared a questioning glance to Ron who just shrugged his shoulders just as confused,both of them looked to Hermione waiting for her to explain.

When Hermione finally looked up,a desperate sigh followed , "remember we were looking for something,ring a bell? Or are we just gonna forget our mission while we are on the brink of war!?" Exasperation seeped into her voice , reminding everyone of the dire situation they were in .

"Oh!,right yes! Um we are looking for an old object ,we have no clue what it looks like or what it is but we know it is significant to the Ravenclaw's! Any ideas?" Questioned Harry

Seamus sighed and said "jeeze Harry that's not alot to go off of couldn't you have gotten us something specific?" using a playful tone to lessen the dense anxiety within  the room.

With a large clap seamus Brought the rooms attention onto him "alright guys let's help our problematic trio figure out what they're looking for!,focus on ravenclaw related items!"

Murmurs of ideas broke out at lightning speed everyone wanting to help as best they can .

Harry chuckled  and said "thanks I owe you one "

" No problem mate ,I'm always happy to help!."

A couple moments passed ,no one guessed it yet until , Pansy suddenly turned to Luna and asked "Luna what was the story you told me about the ravenclaw founder- or was it her daughter? The one with the crown thingy?" .
Luna's eyes widened as she quickly said "the Diadem" , then turned to Harry and shouted "THE DIADEM!" Making Harry jump in surprise and a few others flinch at the sudden increase in volume especially since it came from Luna.

"OK then where is it?" Questioned Ron, "it hasn't been seen it ages Ron,the last person who saw it is long dead, so our chances of winning has lowered to near impossible " Hermione informed sadness evident in her voice.

Everyone was silent for a moment until luna's voice whispered "what if we ask them?"

Ron looked at Luna confusion clear on his face and questioned "how are we supposed to ask a dead person where it is?"

Hermione punched his arm, "honestly sometimes you act as if your a muggle born,you'd never guess your a wizard the way you act sometimes!"

He still looked really confused

Dean decided to helpfully input what everyone was referring to.

"Ghost's Ron "

Ron made an 'o' face and turned red in embarrassment

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