"come and go room" part two

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After half an hour of practically begging a ghost to tell me where the Diadem is  ,I'm finally heading to the room of requirement so known as the 'come and go room'.

Once I got to the room I searched for the Diadem with 'Mione and Ron.

~mini time skip ~

"Mate are you sure it's here,like 100% sure"
Questioned Ron for the millionth time in the last half hour.

Exhasperated ,i answer " YES RON ,now SHUT.THE.FUCK.UP AND USE YOUR BLOODY EYES"

Ron turned to Hermione and whispered
"Geeze what's got his knickers in a twist",
Resulting in a smack on the arm from Hermione and a full blown lecture from her,I wasn't gonna be bothered to listen to it tho, I still have to search for the Diadem

The yelling started to give me a headache,I looked up in hope of some miracle,and guess what I find? Go on guess , the bloody Diadem.

All of the sudden I hear noise I know wasn't made by Mione and Ron,I turn around wand in hand ,a spell once again on the tip of my tongue,then my brain finally caught up and recognised the four staring back at me.

Mumbling a stream of colourful language I didn't realise one of them running towards me, until I was falling from the impact.

Us falling finally alerted Mione and Ron who had the exact same reaction as me ,mione muttering about how lack of vigilance can kill us and Ron muttering about how dead we are if we are if even Hermione is distracted.

The arms around my waist tighten causing me to hug back,I'm not gonna lie I was worried for the blonde ever since we left the Manor ,seeing him has brought down most of my anxiety and fear .I hug him tighter,hiding my head in his neck and stay there until a cough scared me five feet away ,wand in hand ,yet again with a spell on the tip of my tongue.

Luckily my brain caught up and stopped me from sending a nasty tongue twister hex.

People have to stop surprising me don't they see I'm under enough pressure and stress without thiers added.

I glare at Theo then turn away and climb the pile I saw the Diadem in, ignoring the chatter ,and the stare of a blonde.



                    "He's alive"
                                         "He's loosing blood!"

"Harry your animingus!"

                                         "Pheonix tears!"

"Let go of the stairs we'll catch you"

                                    "Trust us  Ron!"

"You should be ashamed of yourself!"

                  "What would your mother think!?"

"Ginerva don't you dare!"

                                "LUNA,where are you?"

"Where's Harry gone?"

                  "What do you mean the forest!?"

"Draconis luscious Malfoy  get your ass back here!"

                             "Petrificus totalis"
"You bloody idiot!"

                    "Get the first year's out of here!"

His mask is slowly slipping (A drarry story)Where stories live. Discover now