Why didnt you let us help you!

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As I walk down the stairs I saw everyone sitting in a circle of beanbags most likely made by magic. I sigh and head to the only one available between Hermione and Draco greeaat~
(Seating plan )
            Ron.                    Harry
     Blaise.                              Draco
        Neville.                        Seamus
                 Dean.       Ginny

Ron's pov
Harry came downstairs and reluctantly approached the circle I don't blame him I don't want to be here too but Hermione will hunt me down and magically attach me to this beanbag until she decides to allow me to be detached ,HELL NO ! I WANNA LIVE ! so I will sit her patiently not regretting my decisions

Draco's pov 
When harry sat down I noticed him wince and I know Granger saw it to but now was not the time for that . She starts of asking "why did you sneak out to find the basilisk alone?" Harry looked at her wide eyed then responded with " because it's my responsibility to keep my friends safe".  Everyone was shocked I could see some guilt as well . After a while on questions and harry not giving more than four word answers at the most we decided to head to sleep since we had classes the next day, as me ,Blaise and harry were quietly walking to the dungeons we were in an awkward silence until Harry decided to break it "I'm sorry if I insulted you Draco..."


"When would you have insulted me Harry ?" "When I called you ...Malfoy"


"It's fine Harry I was a bit confused about it at the time but it's fine.."
He was about to reply when Blaise stopped abruptly dragging us into a corner before the head boy saw us .
I let out a sigh then froze in shock
Harry had just collapsed...



Hey I don't know when I'm gonna post again but the next chapter will be a lot longer but don't worry I'm not gonna come back a year later and be like oh I should update this no I probably won't update for like a week because it's my brothers birthday soon and my family usually spreads a birthday out for a couple of days so it's not everything shoved into one day it's more fun in my opinion because it's just a lot better than worshipping someone for the day and then forgetting about them the next and like this we can give them the same amount of love as we do everyday but just have a bit much re fun!

His mask is slowly slipping (A drarry story)Where stories live. Discover now