Chapter Thirty-Two

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He sighed and closed his eyes.

William has been thinking a lot, about everything. About life about death...about destiny.

Since the two years of his captivity, since Fil came into his life he'd seen the unthinkable, done the unthinkable. To think a world like this existed in another plane, in another reality.

He's felt pain, gut-wrenching pain. How he was still sane was beyond him.

William thought of Hope and he felt the usual tug inside of him. He loved this woman so much that it was unreal. He had to let her go. He had to...

He opened his eyes.

Instead of stony walls and darkness, he was met with light and wooden walls. Instead of a putrid smell, he smelled, lavender?

He was in a house and not just any house. He recognized the chairs and tables. He recognized the kitchen and the furniture. It was his apartment.

He looked around some more.

Why was he here?

His clothes were ragged and he looked like he'd seen better days.

The room was clean, cleaner than he'd expected, it's been nearly two years since he came here but everything still looked the same. Everything felt so surreal to him.

How long has it been since he came to the human world?

He heard a bark. His eyes widened.

That was Berry, his dog. The big bundle of fur came out of the bedroom into the living room where he stood.

He was wagging his tail at him, happy to see him.

Berry could probably see him because he was a dog. Or at least that's what he thought. Dogs could see spirits right?

But how was he here? That was the question.

"William?" He froze. His heart rate sped up. That voice...

Could it be that he appeared here because he thought of her?

"Hope?" William turned around.

There she was in the middle of the living room looking as beautiful as ever. Her hair was longer now but her eyes...were looking at him in pure shock.

William blinked not being able to believe who he was seeing.

Hope couldn't move. William was here in his apartment and somehow she knew it was him, the real him and not Fil.

Hope always came to his apartment from time to time. She wanted to remind herself of him.

Today was another one of those days and she was shocked to see him, though she knew he wasn't physically present it was comforting.

She had just been thinking about him a few minutes before he appeared. Berry's bark had brought her out of his room where she was looking at the pictures they had taken together.

William's body may still be in Fil's hands but somehow he could still project to her.

Hope took small hesitant steps towards him. Her heart was wreaking havoc in her chest with how fast it was going. The last time she saw him, was all those months ago at the mansion.

She wondered what his choice had been; if he remained a captive.

Looking at him now, she realized that he was still bound.

Hope held a hand up and touched his cheek. His cheek had 'substance' for some reason. She caressed his cheek. The muscle in his jaw moved at the contact.

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