Chapter Forty

56 14 11

It was today. The day the three would come; even the skies knew.

Rain fell and there was a kind of peace to it.

The sun came out and together birthed a rainbow, a beautiful creation of God meant to serve as a promise but humanity had made it something else.

Another plot of the devil that failed.

Many, hundreds of millions have turned to Christ despite most dying.

It would even seem that it was better for those that died than those that remained.

Chaos reigned among the elements;
the stars, the moon, the clouds, the sun...everything was falling to pieces, such that life could no longer be properly sustained.

William was standing on top of a hill watching everything unfold.

'The three' had come by boat instead of by plane—the air wasn't safe at the moment and as he stood there seeing humanity at its very limit, he knew that it was only a matter of days.

He'd heard about them, the three; they were a group of an extraordinary man and two women.

The things the cherished had seen God wrought through them— it seemed like a page from the very scriptures when they'd told him.

The three owned the island and had made provisions.

William had seen the excitement on Seth's face and he wondered just what kind of people the three were to have incited such a reaction from someone like him.

William exhaled feeling the soft pitter-patter of rain. It felt beautiful and so was the rainbow.

He could feel the presence of his 'friend' strongly. He made him feel alive and safe at the same time. He never felt alone and when he got scared...he was always there.

Was this what he'd been missing out on all along?

This intimacy, this warmth...this love?

The Bible was a treasure chest of soothing words, words that reached out to the deepest part of his soul.

He'd been starved of the truth and when he finally found it, he didn't want to let go.

Hope's Bible made it easy to navigate, it was almost as if she was there with him whenever he opened it.

Sighing, William got down the hill. It was time to meet them. He was excited, to be honest, he wanted to meet these extraordinary people.

Though there was residence on the island, there was still a larger part of it that was inhabited. He often found himself wandering away from camp.

He loved nature, another thing he'd shared with Hope. He tried not to think too much about her these days.

He decided to hope instead for the future.

The pain was getting easier to deal with and he thanked God for the privilege of meeting such an amazing woman.

The camp was located at the centre of the island but there was a clear path north to shore where a dock stood.

They had three boats plus the jet. The jet wasn't too far away from the hill he'd been sitting on. Beside the hill was a runway that stretched up to about 2,400 meters.

He was south to the camp and hurried to the shore but he was still about five miles away from the camp.

The rain was still falling, still soothing. It wasn't as harsh on him because of the vast canopy cover of trees above him.

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