Chapter Twenty Seven

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I edited the last chapter to include some additional info, you can re-read it before reading this one.😁😁

Hope had no words. She had no thoughts. She was clad in a simple yellow top and dark trousers.

She'd thrown them on carelessly and it could be seen in the wrinkles here and there.

After coming back from the spirit realm, the next course of action had been to locate William, hoping he would be free by their prayers.

Turns out he was but looking at him now, standing over what remained of the people he loved, she couldn't help but guess that something had gone terribly wrong.

It was obvious. His blue eyes were dull and unfocused and the blood of the last of his family was still smeared all over his mouth.

Even with Seth right in front of him, he was still looking at her. His eyes seemed unfocused and dazed. He definitely wasn't the same and yet somehow there was a flicker of awareness in his eyes before they became unfocused again.

They weren't the only ones present, countless other silhouettes had joined the occasion-demons.

The basement was deem, as though all light had been sucked from it, what remained were the lit torches stationed on the walls and center of the room.

Hope looked closely and realized that every single one of the silhouettes was standing within a devil's ring.

There were dozens of signs drawn on the floor, all surrounded by candles.

Bennett's Dad had summoned them-the demons. Seth's sword was drawn and even despite that, William's gaze still held on to hers. She saw the pain, and despair hidden behind a pair of lifeless blue eyes.

"I-I killed my family. Why aren't I feeling anything?"

He looked at Seth now.

Seth's sword exuded a heavenly glow that was blinding.

Is he going to kill me?

"Seth, please," Hope begged.

Don't take him away from me. Her heart whispered the rest of the words.

"Well, this is touching." Bennett who'd been silent all the while finally made an entrance.

"Killing William won't matter, my master will only possess another willing body," Bennet told Seth as matter-of-fact. He'd watched the whole thing unfold between the three of them.

It had particularly been refreshing seeing him devour his entire family.

Fil has completely shattered him.

There was a creak; Hope was descending the staircase. There was a very determined look on her face now as she stared at William.

There should be something else they could do. It couldn't end like this. People were dead; all that he had as a family was dead, two of the cherished were dead-Mary and Ezra were dead.

Hope hated the darkness, it tainted everything it touched. This perverted family was darkness and the most tainted of all, was inside Will.

She wanted to shine in the darkness; no matter how dark it was.

She was light.

Her apparel transformed. From the crown of her head to the sole of her feet, she was snow white and her apparel burned like fire; and on it, the letter E was boldly pasted.

"Trouble me not, for I bear Christ's marks on my body." There was suddenly a strong sulphuric smell in the air, it was coming from the demons still contained in the devil's ring. They hadn't left their rings because they were afraid, afraid of the two cherished who were now ablaze in holy fire.

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