Chapter Seven

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He made it to church the next day. It'd been over a year he last went-hence the constant hounding from his mother.

That was why his mother was always insistent about him coming over.

It wasn't that he didn't want to come, he tried but things always came up at work and the distance was too long.

Matt had woken him up very early that morning. He lived close by as well. He was a lawyer and the law firm he worked at wasn't too far from Monosoft.

Will's been sleeping a lot these days and had slept past the usual time he normally woke up and instead of waking him like a sane person, Matt had torn the sheets off his body and started banging the desk beside his bed.

He'd wanted to knock him out right then but he kept it for another time.

Today was an important day.

He'd worn his black suit and together they'd taken Matt's car.

Matt had been his usual self-an idiot-and had disturbed him the entire ride.

Will gave him a piece of his mind and they'd nearly driven the car off the road one time but all he could think about were the answers he was going to get.

Matt had told him that the church had been the one he'd been attending even since before the surgery.

Will had been shocked.

"I used to come here, even that long?" He'd asked.

Matt nodded.

"But how, why can't I remember anything?" Will murmured to himself.

Matt even told him that he'd known Pastor Feranmi the longest.

It had come as an extreme shock to him.

He could recall from the other night that Hope had told him he'd murmured about her and a church in his sleep. He wondered if he and she had been going there together.

It only made him want his memories back all the more.

Any questions he had, he would ask Pastor Feranmi.

The flashbacks had to stop. He would regain his memories and find out the truth at all costs.

He would find her. He had to, for the sake of his own sanity.

They got to church in record time. Thankfully they were just in time. Even though he was a truant, he hated being late.

They found a pew to sit at and heard the pastor call the choir forward.

Will smiled seeing his sister, Laura. She resembled mum a lot and also used glasses like himself though he only ever used his in the house.

Matt and himself were dressed well and had their Bibles beside them.

Will tried to listen to the song they were singing but all he could think about were the answers he hoped he would get from the pastor.

He could know something.

If he'd been coming to the church longer than anyone of his family like Matt said, then he must know something about her.

Soon the choristers finished their special number and the Pastor mounted the pulpit.

There was a hush that came over the church as everyone waited eagerly for what the man of God would say.

He talked about a strange topic: Being dead by default.

He talked about a lot of things that most people found difficult to hear but were the truth.

There was a lot of existing negative spiritual mindset that had been accepted in the modern world and it remained unchanged despite the level of exposure to the truth.

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